Sunday, 3 January 2016

A Day Out With Pampers Baby Dry Pants

Back at the end of November, I wrote a post about how Pampers were sending us on a day out with Jacob to test out their baby dry pants and take part in the Pampers happiness challenge. We were offered a day out at Peppa Pig world but obviously living in Newcastle it was too far for us to travel too, so we planned a trip to visit Santa at Beamish instead.

The weather in the North East has been awful these last few weeks and every time we planned our day out it rained. So the week before Christmas we decided to just try the Pampers baby dry pants on a regular day out instead. We decided to do some Christmas shopping, visit Santa and have some lunch, a perfectly normal family day out that when you have little ones can often result in lots of nappy changes along the way.

fenwicks newcastle window 2015

Jacob is one and he is obviously far too young to be potty trained but he is at the age now where he is mobile and hates having to lie down and get his nappy changed, especially when we are out and about. This is where the Pampers Baby Dry pants come in useful as they can offer up to 12 hours of dryness and as they are pants, not nappies they can be easily changed on wriggling babies who don't stay still.

We started our day early and headed into Newcastle for around 9.30 am so that we could hopefully avoid the crowds a little. First stop was a visit to see Fenwicks window, this is a festive window display that is magical for little ones and something I remember visiting each year from my own childhood. Jacob loved watching the moving scenes in front of him as he happily sat in his pushchair. We then braved the shops to do some last minute Christmas shopping and he was happily looking around.

After some shopping and a coffee break we went to visit Santa, this was a bit of a disaster as my two-year-old daughter was terrified of Santa and would not go anywhere near him and ran out the grotto as soon as she saw him. Jacob had no idea what was going on but happily sat on a seat near Santa wondering what was going on and saying 'no' whenever she was asked anything (it's his favourite word). By now it was getting close to lunch so we decided to head to Frankie and Benny's, stopping off on the way at the baby change. I changed him out of habit as he did not even really need changing, it was so much quicker and easier wearing the pants as he just stood up whilst I pulled them off and put another on him, no more battling with the changing table.

We then went for lunch where Jacob happily tucked into pizza and salad as soon as he had a full tummy he fell asleep in his pushchair whilst we did some last minute shopping before returning home for 3pm. We were out the house around six hours and I only changed him the once, which I did not even need to do as he was still dry but wearing pants was defiantly much easier then regular nappies if you have a toddler on a day out.

We have continued buying the Pampers baby dry pants for Jacob as taking part in the 12-hour happiness challenge made me realise that pull up style pants are not just for potty training but also for mobile little ones too. Nappy changing is much easier, especially when out and about and Jacob loved wearing his 'big boy pants' and seemed to prefer them to regular nappies. I am now looking forward to our next family day out as I know that I no longer need to worry about battling the changing room with an uncooperative toddler. 

Have you tried the Pampers Baby Dry Pants yet?

collaborative post. 

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