Monday, 25 January 2016

The Playground Mafia Book Review

I was recently sent The Playground Mafia Book by Clare Christian and Elisabeth Kent, as this months Britmums Book club book of the month. This is a small light-hearted easy to read book that you can just easily dip in and out of whenever you fancy. The book is broken up into around 30 short profiles of the types of parents you may find in the school playground.

the playground mafia book

Each profile comes with a catchy title such as PTA mum, sporty dad and competitive mum and has an accompanying illustration. They also have a brief description and a few very funny handy to spot hints, such as 'when not in the playground you are likely to find them' and if they were a cocktail, builders tool or meal what would they be. At the end of each profile, you get a tick box and get to collect points if you spot this type of parent in the playground and also bonus points for spotting them doing something they probably shouldn't be doing.

I found this book really light-hearted and quite funny and thankfully I did not spot myself or any of my friends in this book. I had fun reading the descriptions and trying to see if I knew someone similar, although I found most of the parents I know have little bits of lots of the profiles in them. Although I did spot a few types of parents that were similar to the many types of parents I have encountered in my many years of being in the school playground.

At the end of the book, there is also a list of the different type of cocktails they have compared the parents too and recipes on how to make them. The Playground Mafia is not the kind of book that I would normally read but overall I found it very easy to read and perfect for a quick look at whilst having a cuppa, as I could dip in and out of it. This is a very light-hearted look at the kind of parents you get in the school playground. If you have a child in primary school then you will be able to relate to this book and if your child is yet to start school don't worry as trust me the playground is not as crazy as this book makes out.

The Playground Mafia is available to buy online and in bookstores now with an RRP of £5.99.

Disclosure I was sent this book for the purpose of this review, however all opinions are my own. 



  1. I've seen other reviews of this book, it sounds like a lighthearted read. I really wonder if I am in there!


    1. It really is such a light hearted read, I think I am a mix of a few of the parents in the book xx

  2. I was rather put off this one as I was worried that it was just going to be a bunch of stereotypes. That said sometimes that can be fun if handled well.

    1. I was a little unsure of this book before I read it too but it was rather funny and better then I expected xx

  3. I reckon most of the mums in our school would totally be in this book. It sounds like a m=nice fun read #readwithme

    1. It was fun reading the book and seeing if I could spot some of the parents I know from the playground xx

  4. I do love a nice light hearted book every once in a while, I can see a lot of mums relating to this in one way or another! Thanks for sharing with #ReadWithMe

    1. I am the same it is nice to read something different then what I would normally read. I totally agree that so many mums will relate to this book in some way xx

  5. I've not heard of this book but it sounds like fun! I bet I could spot lots in my kids school playground... there are a real mix of parents!

    Gemma xx

    1. It was a fun book, a bit like those i spy type books that were out when I was little, where you had tick a box if you seen a red car etc. xx

  6. This is the sort of book that would make me laugh! I would so be trying to spot all of the mums in the playground.

    1. It certainly made me laugh too, I was reading each profile and then trying to see which parent I thought it was xx

  7. Certainly is light hearted. It was fun spotting some of the types listed in the book. Although most seemed to have morphed over time into other categories. A book to dip into.

  8. This book sounds like a good read and fun too! A nice book to review indeed. Love your blog!

    1. Thank you so much Alida that is very sweet of you. xx

  9. Love this comprehensive review. I was in two minds about the book liking the fun factor and how easy it is to dip in and out of but also had concerns

    1. I was exactly the same Kate I was really unsure of it at first as it is not what I would normally read. I thought it was fun though and very easy reading xx

  10. hehe this looks interesting - I wonder what parent I am classed as. Easy read is definitely something i need these days. x


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