Wednesday 11 October 2017

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Isablog

Welcome to this week's Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week I am featuring Ross who is a first-time dad who blogs about life with a baby and offers lots of advice to fellow dads. So let's find out more about the family behind Isablog. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

Well, I'm a postman, my partner is an A&E nurse, luckily she has a few months of maternity leave left before another type of chaos engulfs her life. We have one daughter, Isabelle, who's currently 21 weeks old, and two Dachshunds (our first babies) and even two house rabbits. 

2.) Where do you live?

We currently live at the top of a rather large hill in the South Wales valleys. Perfectly placed with a great rural surrounding but not too far from the cities. 

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live?

We love the juxtaposition that our area offers. We're within minutes of the great nature walks that Wales has to offer whilst also being a short drive from plenty of baby activities like play-groups and swimming and even the beach. We like to try and mix things up as much as possible to give Isabelle as many new experiences as we can. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you?

Not a chance. This home is set up all ready to handle three children, which we'll hopefully get, and is in the middle of everything we need. Ideally, we can see this little family growing here until we're both very old. at which point, we may just do something silly like move to Dresden.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite memories of where you grew up?

I grew up about 10 minutes from where I currently live, and even though I'm only 25 now, time has surely changed a lot about what I loved when I was a kid. For a start, I used to spend most of my time outdoors, playing football on the street and exploring the area. It's not exactly something that children do these days, I understand why but it's still a shame.  

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead?

I try not to look too far ahead with Isabelle. I had postnatal depression when we first had her, and part of it came from me wishing she was older and could actually do more. So part of my healing was to change my outlook. These days, I try to take every day as it comes with Isabelle, I simply enjoy her as she is, and try not to think about what she will be. Other than that, I think we're pretty much going to keep doing what we're doing. Raising our little girl and keep doing as much as we can with her. Whether that's going to a new play-group or a round trip of the UK with a ferry to Amsterdam. She doesn't care either way, as long as we're with her. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life?

Having my wife on maternity leave and a job that sees me home by 3pm every day. We can spend loads of time together and pretty much do what we want. I know that this will all change when my wife is back doing 12-hour-shifts, so we're just trying to enjoy our company together as much as we possibly can. You never know how things will be in the future, so we're all just trying to enjoy the now. 

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, Ross, it sounds like you have the perfect family home and it is refreshing hearing from someone who is happy where they live. I don't think I would move from where we live either. I hope you enjoy every second with Isabelle as the baby days are so lovely and it sounds like you have lots of lovely family time together. 

If you want to find out more about Ross and his family visit his blog

Or follow him on social media 

Facebook IsablogUK
Twitter isabloguk
Instagram isabloguk

Don't forget to check out last week's post featuring Five Little Doves if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please send me an email at


  1. I love hearing about others. Bloggers. Ross your house sounds idyllic

    1. It really does sound like the perfect family home x

  2. Lovely to find out more about other bloggers. Love the name of her blog too. So original :)

  3. Hey Ross, sounds like you guys are doing great . Your home does indeed sound absolutely stunning . Isabelle sounds adorable. Lonely to find a new blog to follow too !

  4. What a great way of featuring other bloggers and their lives.

  5. Great to find out about other bloggers. Always learn something new. Great feature.

  6. Ah where you live sounds idlyic. Up on a hill in Wales, perfect!

  7. This is a really interesting series. I love being nosey so this is perfect for me. We used to live on the edge of Wales, one direction stunning scenery, the other direction bustling life in Chester. Lovely.

    1. I really need to visit Wales, everyone comments on how lovely it is xx

  8. Sounds like they live an idyllic life. I love Wales, such a friendly country

  9. What a lovely interview, it must be so nice to be able to spend lots of time together as a family x

  10. Lovely post. It is great being introduced to new bloggers. Sounds like the live in a perfect place. I live not far from where I grew up.

  11. That's a great blogger interview! I love how he says he wants to enjoy the now with his wife. not many people enjoy the present:)

  12. Your home sounds idyllic! Would love to live in the country 😊

  13. Lovely to get know to know Ross a bit more - maternity leave is fantastic for giving a little bit more flexibility :)

    1. I loved maternity leave, it goes over far to fast though x

  14. I love posts like this, getting to know other bloggers. Your home sounds wonderful! Kaz

  15. It was lovely to read about Ross and his family. It was interesting hearing about a Dad's struggles too. I think his blog will resonate with a lot of people

    1. I totally agree, so many dads struggle (my partner did when we had our youngest) xx

  16. You may not live that far from me. I hope your wife's return to work goes ok in a few months. I work in operating theatres so I know how chaotic working in a hospital is x

    1. It is always lovely when you find local bloggers x

  17. Isabell is gorgeous. It can be hard to not wish your baby was at the next step in development and just enjoy them as they are. I often have to remind myself, Emmie is only this little once and it's true when they say they grow too quick. Finlay has just started school and Chris and I often say we wih he was a baby again!

  18. Love the name of the blog! Great to find out more about Ross and his family

  19. Wales is such a beautiful country and sounds like you're perfectly stationed where you are. I have to do atleast half an hour drive to enjoy natural walks of any sort.

    1. It really does sound like they live in a great location xx

  20. It is always interesting to read more about the people behind the blogs. Wales has so much to offer, we love visiting and exploring the beautiful Welsh countryside

    1. I have never been to Wales, I think I need to visit x


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