After joining my new Slimming World class last week and finding out I had gained 4.5 lbs after not attending a group for a few weeks, I was secretly hoping that I could lose the weight I had gained and get back on track. I started off the week well by sitting down and planning all my meals for the week and decided to try some new meal ideas and get out of the rut I was in of always having the same meals over and over.
I was full of good intentions to stick to plan 100 % after leaving group on Monday night feeling full of motivation, but I hold my hands up and admit I did not stick to the diet completely. We went to the beach and I did have Fish and Chips and I also had Spaghetti bolognese out of a jar, with three slices of garlic bread. But apart from those few hiccups, I did stick to plan for the rest of my meals this week.
My meals for this week were
Tuesday: Breakfast- One hi-fi bar, Lunch - Turkey salad in a wholemeal bun. Tea- Spaghetti bolognese (out of a jar) with three slices of garlic bread.
Wednesday: Breakfast- Slice toast with dairlylea light, Lunch - Iceland SW chicken Tikka Curry with boiled rice, Tea - Homemade chilli with rice.
Thursday: Breakfast- Toast, Lunch- Fish and Chips (oops) Tea- Steak, new potatoes and salad with beetroot.
Friday: Breakfast- Porridge, Lunch- Subway chicken salad with sweet onion dressing, Tea- SW friendly homemade chicken chow mein.
Saturday: Breakfast- Fried egg sandwich, Lunch- Portabello mushroom stuffed with onion and ham and topped with reduced-fat cheddar and served with salad, Tea- steak and chicken fajitas with two wraps and potato wedges.
Sunday: Breakfast- Bacon Sandwich, Lunch- roast pork dinner, Tea- ham and mushroom omelette.
Monday: Breakfast- porridge and a banana, Lunch - Tesco salted beef and savoury rice Tea- Full English.
I did not count my syns and I know for a fact I did not eat enough fruit and speed foods or drink enough water. After the week I had I was hoping for maybe a 1 lb loss, as I had eating fish and chips and a few naughty treats and it was also the dreaded star week. So when I stepped on the scales last night I was gobsmacked to see that I had lost 5.5lbs! I was over the moon and can not believe that I have lost so much and I am now back on track and have lost all the weight that I gained during the summer.
I was also awarded my one and a half stone award and received a new certificate and a sticker for my book, I love getting new stickers for my book as they really do keep me motivated. Unfortunately, I could not stay to group last night as I had all three children with me as the other half was working late. I came away from group feeling like I am now back on track and I am really hoping that I stick to plan this week and will be happy with any loss, although 2 lb would be nice. I am hoping that I can lose 6.5lbs this month so that I can get my two stone award, fingers crossed.
My plan for this week is to make sure I write everything I eat down and count my syns, eat more fruit and speed foods and drink more water. I am hoping now that the summer holidays are over and we start getting into a routine again that it will make sticking to the plan easier as there will be no more cheeky meals out and chips at the seaside.
Now that it is turning to autumn what is your favourite healthy winter meal? I would love to know as I am looking for new meal ideas as I am getting a bit bored of salad with everything.
To find out more about Slimming World or to find your nearest class visit the website
5.5lbs is amazing!! Sometime when we think we have done bad we have really done good!
ReplyDeleteThank you Amanda , I know I am always shocked some weeks that I get great losses when I have been a little naughty. I think it is because I know I have ate food I should not have so I stick to being extra good for the rest of the week xx
DeleteWow what an awesome loss you must be thrilled and congrats on your 1.5 stone too! Happy days :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking to #weighloseorstay too x
Thank you Laura, I was shocked with the loss as I was not expecting such a huge loss at all. I am hoping I get to two stones soon as I want to hopefully lose another stone and half by xmas xx