Sunday, 13 September 2015

Secondary School

Starting secondary school is a bit of a nerve wrecking time for us parents, as well as our children. This time last year I vividly remember waving my eldest off for her first day at secondary school. She looked so smart and grown up in her new uniform, but she also looked so young and innocent at the same time. She was excited about starting her new school, not at all worried or nervous, her only concern was in case she got lost. Me on the other hand, well I was a bag of nerves. She may have been eleven, almost twelve but she will still my baby girl. 

As I waved her off my tummy was in knots as she left to catch the school bus, I was no longer needed to walk her to school and hold her hands across the roads like when she was small. There would be no more school runs chatting about her day, instead, she would be off on a bus full of grown-up children without me. 

I worried if the older children would be nice or not. Many thoughts crossed my mind such as what if she was not in a class with her friends, what if she struggled to make new friends, what if she got lost or the teachers were mean. What if she got in with a bad crowd and became one of those teens you see hanging around with a face full of make-up, cigarette hanging out their mouth terrorising the elderly, thinking they are hard. I was worried she would change like everyone said that she would from my sweet and innocent girl to a tween with a bad attitude.

So many worries that I am sure so many other parents shared. 

A year has now passed since she started secondary school, she is now in year eight. So what was the first year of secondary school like? need I have worried? The answer is no I had no need to worry at all. 

It did not matter that she was in a different class to all of her friends as she made so many new friends, ironically she is best friends with some girls she knew from primary school but never played with. She has made lots of new friends, her tutor is lovely and she has never gotten lost once and nor were any of the older children ever mean to her.

Yes, she has changed this last year as all children do, long gone are the days of playing with toys and having bedtime stories. Now she prefers spending time watching youtube and Netflix, painting her nails and face-timing her friends. She always wants to be out with her friends, going shopping or swimming or the local park. She has an interest in make-up and clothes and spends hours online looking at Claire's website or youtube nail art tutorials. 

She has an attitude at times, as I imagine all tweens do. But I am happy to say she is not one of those awful teenagers that hang around shops thinking they are hard. Secondary school has changed her, it has made her grow up and be more independent. But it is a good thing not a bad. At times she can be hard work but I am blaming it on her age with all those crazy hormones that whizz around teenagers bodies.

So if your tween has recently started secondary school try not to worry, it really is not to bad at all. Yes they will change but that is all just a part of growing up, that is just life. They will make new friends, have adventures, grow as a person, become a bit more independent and they will also give you a glimmer of the adult they will soon become. 



  1. Such a reassuring post. I am going to be a wreck when Baby starts Primary school. So glad tween has had a good time a school, it can be difficult for so many kids x

    1. I will be the same when my little two start primary school , my toddler starts pre-school tomorrow and I am feeling nervous about that. xx

  2. I'm so glad your daughter is liking school and that it has only made her grow in a positive sense. I used to love school, the routine of everything, seeing friends and my boyfriend... :)

    1. Thank you Fiona , looking back I use to like school too and sometime's wish I could relive them and be carefree again xx

  3. Awww, lovely blog post! My eldest has just started high school - I was more nervous than he was!! He enjoys it though and I'm glad your daughter enjoys it, too. Bless them, kids grow up so fast! xx

    1. Thank you Sarah, They really do grow up way to fast it is scary, they will always be are babies though. I am glad that your son is settling in well and enjoying it xx

  4. I so agree! My youngest is at the same stage although I think it's a bit different in Ireland, she's in her second year of secondary and getting on just fine. Seems crazy to think how worried I was last year :)

    1. I am glad I am not the only one who was worried I was such a nervous wreck last year and now looking back I had nothing at all to be worried about xx

  5. That's such a lovely post. We haven't quite started school at all (although I've got that to come next year), let alone secondary school, but I can imagine I'll feel very much the same way.

    1. Thank you. Good luck for your little one starting school next year xx

  6. I really hated school, especially secondary school so I dread Sienna starting there! Great post though :) xx

    1. Thank you Kerry, oh no that is a shame I am sure she will love it when she starts in a few years time xx

  7. My sister went to a different high school to most of her friends and we all had the same concerns that you had and of course she's doing brilliantly and made lots of new friends. :-)

  8. Ah this is lovely to read, as ridiculous as it is with Tyne only being 2 I actually had a little cry the other night coz I started thinking about when he goes to secondary school! It was such a horrible experience for me that i`m dreading it, so its very reassuring to read that not everyone has the same experience I did and some kids love it! xx

  9. What a reassuring read for parents! I've been there with my eldest (now year 10) and remember how worried I was about the school bus for him. My younger son has just started. They're at different schools and mainly I just felt excitement for him at his new school and all the opportunities it would bring.
    Thanks for linking up with the Teen and Tween Round-up.

    1. Thank you Sarah, I am glad I am not the only one who was worried about the school bus. I hope that your younger son has settled in well and is enjoying it xx


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