Wednesday 26 August 2015

Slimming World : Week 17

A few days ago I wrote a post about how I had not attended my Slimming World group for a few weeks and how I had falling off plan and was thinking of changing my group to a one that would suit me better. Well on Monday night I attended my new group and I am so glad that I made the decision to switch groups, from the moment I stepped through the door I felt welcome and even though I have not stuck to plan the last three weeks I did not gain as much weight as I had feared.

slimming world book

I have joined a group that is in the village which I live in and is just a five-minute walk from home, I actually use to attend this group a few years ago for around six months before I fell pregnant with Sophia. It was nice to be back at this group as some of the members were still there from when I attended years ago. There was a new consultant Karen who instantly made me feel welcome and was so lovely and friendly and she explained she runs two groups one after the other so if I am unable to attend one due to my other half's shifts I can attend the later one instead. 

I was really nervous about stepping on the scales as I admit I have not stuck to plan the last few weeks as we have had meals out, family days out that have involved fish and chips and ice creams. It was also Jacobs first birthday so I had cake and we have also had a few takeaways the last few weeks too. So I was expecting to have gained around a stone, however, I only gained 4.5lb which is not too bad. I think my eating habits have defiantly changed these last few months on Slimming World as I am not snacking as much and I have changed the way I cook and I am eating much healthier without really noticing these days.

I stayed for the class which has really motivated me as everyone was so lovely and I learnt a few new recipe ideas. I also brought the new magazine which is probably my favourite issue yet as all the recipes look so delicious and not at all 'diet' like, with meals such as BBQ pulled chicken and Thai chicken curry. I am feeling focused and back on track and I am going to make sure that I try out all the yummy looking new recipes and mix my foods up a bit more as I was getting bored of eating the same things. I also have a review of the new Slimming World book Veggie Deluxe book coming up so keep an eye out for that as it is full of scrumptious looking recipes. 

I am really hoping that I can lose at least 2lb this week but secretly I would love to lose the 4.5lb I have gained so that I am back to where I was before I mucked things up. I am feeling determined and inspired and I know that I can do this now. I am so glad that I made the decision to change groups as I know with the group support that I can get this weight off once and for all and finally feel confident in my own skin again. 

If you have been on a diet what have you found helps you get back on track after a setback? 

You can find out more about Slimming World and find your nearest class on the website



  1. That is fantastic that the new group seems right for you! I'm so pleased!
    Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much Kim, I really do think that finding a group I feel at home with will help me massively xx


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