Monday, 3 August 2015

#OneInAMinion With Asda

Like most of the country, we love Minions in our household. My eldest fell in love with them when she went to see Despicable me at the cinema many years ago, and my toddler fell in love with them last year and became a bit obsessed with them wanting to watch Despicable me 2 every single day for about six months. I must admit myself and my partner are also a bit partial to the cute little yellow creatures too, and I am sure baby Jacob will fall in love with them when he is older. So when I was recently asked if we would like to review some Minion goodies from Asda I knew this would score me some major mummy brownie points with my children.

It took me age's to decide what to order as there is a whole Minion section on the Asda website full of everything from clothing and toys to bedding and beach towels. In the end, I enlisted the help of my oldest daughter Chloe who decided that she would really love a Minion beanbag, night light and alarm clock for her bedroom. I then decided to get Sophia a Mischievous Minion t-shirt, as she really is mischievous and we actually call her our little minion, as she sounds like a Minion when she babbles away. I also got a Minion cup and a pair of socks for Chloe. 

minion beanbag, socks, cup, t-shirt, clock

As soon as the products arrived Sophia's little face lit up when she discovered everything had Minions on them, she swiftly grabbed the beanbag and claimed it as her own and loves sitting on it to watch TV. I was really impressed with the beanbag as it only costs £20 which is a lot cheaper than similar ones that I have seen. She also loves her pink Mischievous Minion t-shirt priced at £5, which she wants to wear all of the time as I don't normally buy her character clothing. The t-shirt is great quality and has washed well and suits my little Minion perfectly.

The night light is a hit with Chloe as it changes colour and is fairly small and perfect for on a bedside table. It also has no wires as it is battery operated (batteries included) and it is made of soft plastic so it won't break if it is dropped, making it perfect for a child's room and is a bargain at £6. The Alarm clock was something that Chloe really needed as she is a nightmare to wake up in the mornings for school so hopefully this will come in very useful once she starts back in September. This was priced at £8.

small minion shaped night light

small yellow minion alarm clock

Chloe was happy with her socks as she said they are really comfortable and these were amazing value at just £2, I am tempted to buy myself a pair as they are so cute. My favourite item is this Minion cup which was £4, it is made of plastic and has a lid on and a stripy straw which has a stopper on it preventing it from coming out the cup making it perfect for little ones. I love the design of it and of course, we have been enjoying lots of banana milkshakes in it which I am sure the Minions would approve of. 

minion beaker with banana milkshake in

We loved all the products we were sent and I know Chloe already has her eyes on some more items from the range. They would make a great summer treat or dare I say a great Christmas present for those of us who have already started Christmas shopping (guilty as charged). So if you have a little Minion fan on your hands then why not check out the range of products available at Asda and let them know that they are #OneInAMinion and you might just make them go bananas.

Disclosure: We were sent these items free of charge for the purpose of this review, however all words, photos and opinions are my own and I was not paid for this review. 



  1. Ohh I may have to hide this post from Z. He is minions mad and we have so much minion related things at home it's crazy. And they all talk randomly of their own accord!

    1. Children seem to love Minion's don't they. Haha I bet that is so strange when they all go off and start babbling away xx

  2. We went to watch the Minion Movie the other day, as the boys love them! :) They are pretty funny to be fair....though I may have had enough of hearing 'Bananas' this week!

    Stevie xx

    1. I am still waiting to see the movie as my oldest does not want to see it and I don't think my two year old would sit through a film at the cinema, can't wait for it to come out on dvd xx

  3. Oooooh these sound fab! I love the beanbag and nightlight #triedandtested

    1. Those are my favourite products too the night light is so lovely xx

  4. We also reviewed the minions stuff from George at Asda. Isn't it wonderful? I love the price and the quality. I adore that beanbag. If I could have got away with having another beanbag in the house (hubby would kill me) that would have been on our list too.xx

    1. It really is wonderful , I found it so hard deciding what to get as was so many great things. The bean bag is great and the girls love it xx

  5. Ah these look fab! We have only got into the Minions this week (!) but they are proving a massive hit with my 2! I will have to get down to ASDA.

    1. They really are fab, every child seems to love Minion's don't they xx

  6. what a great selection. Kids just seem to be mad on minions.

    1. Children really do all seem to love Minions don't they no matter what age they are they seem to appeal to them all x


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