Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Jacob You Are One

Dear Jacob 

Happy birthday baby boy, mammy cannot believe that you are one today! The last year seems to have gone by so quickly and you are no longer a baby but a little toddler boy with lots of personality. It really does not seem so long ago since the day you were born, I remember it like it was yesterday. I had been so worried about being induced early with you as I was told you were a small baby, well the doctors got that wrong as you weighed 8lb 6.5 and you arrived super quick in just 40 minutes. 

You have only been a part of our family for one year but it feels like you have been here forever and you complete our family, your mummy's little dude, daddy's little man and Chloe and Sophia's baby brother. Mummy does not write about you or share many photos of you on the blog, but as it is your birthday I wanted to let you know how much you mean to us and what your first year was like.

You have been hard work this last year, the first four months with you were tough as you had bad colic and reflux and would scream from the moment you woke until the moment you went to bed every day for four months. At four months you stopped crying and your personality started to shine through but now at one year old you still don't sleep at night and have mammy and daddy up lots during the night and then super early every single morning. thanks, son. 

Growing up with two big sisters you figured out early on how to get attention, by screaming loudly. You don't scream in pain or anything you just scream very loudly for attention or to get your own way. You and Sophia are only 14 months apart so you fight a lot you hit, bite and pull her hair, but lately, the two of you have started to play together and will kiss and hug each other and look for each other when the other is not around. I really think you two will be the best of friends. You love your biggest sister Chloe too although she never plays with you, but you love cuddling her and she is the only person you ever fall asleep on. 

At one you can do so much, you started walking at 11 months and it is so cute watching you toddling around as you get so proud of yourself. You love to climb and are forever climbing on things, especially the sofa and then you like to pull all the cushions off and throw them on the floor. You also like to stand at the stairgate and rattle it really hard and loudly which you think is funny. You are such a daddy's boy these days and you follow him everywhere like a shadow and shout for him all the time.

You can clap, blow kisses, bounce up and down and if we say 'dance' you will say 'dance, dance' and wiggle your bum which is very cute. You give kisses and cuddles and wave hello and bye. You adore Jake and the neverland pirated and whenever it comes on you shake your arm and say 'yo ho ho'. It is the only tv show you will watch as you don't like anything else. 

You like playing with toys your favourite things are anything with wheels on that move, building blocks, Happyland figures - you like to chew them, books and Sophia's little tikes car which you are always sitting in. You love being out in your buggy now which is a relief as you hated it when you were small. You love the swing in the garden and at the park and you have started to like soft play now too. You love your food and have always eaten whatever we gave you, your favourites are apples, bananas, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, toast, yoghurt and pasta. 

I really can not believe you are one, you really have changed so much this last year and we have all fallen in love with you and your cute little cackling laugh and big blue eyes and cheeky smile make everyone else fall in love with you too. Happy birthday little dude I hope that you have a fantastic day today and that you like your pirate cake and enjoy going out for the day. I can't wait to see you open your presents and hope you like the toys we got you. 

 Happy birthday Jacob my little one-year-old boy, you will always be my baby and I can't wait to see how you grow over the next year.

 Love you lots love from mammy xxx



  1. Happy Birthday to your very lovely boy, it sounds like its been an adventurous year for you all :) Colic sounds very hard but I'm glad it finally stopped after 4 months x

    1. Thank you Tas, colic was horrible but thankfully it did not last too long xx

  2. Aww! Happy Birthday Jacob! He is such a cutie!!
    This last year has flown over.....

    1. Thank you Kim, I know it really has gone by so fast I can not actually believe he is one xx

  3. Hope you all had a lovely day! Sob sob at being 1 xx

    1. Thank you Beth, yes we had a lovely day. I know I really did feel like crying that he is now one as he is my last baby and I want to keep him small xx

  4. Happy birthday! Lovely post x #sharewithme

  5. Awwww so cute! What a handsome boy :)

    Hope he had a lovely 1st birthday :)

    Gemma xx

    1. Thank you Gemma. Yes he had a lovely we did not do much as he had no idea what was going on just a family meal out and then a day out and a little tea party xx

  6. Happy 1st birthday Jacob! So lovely. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again soon. #sharewithme

    1. Thank you Jenny, I will be linking up again soon xx

  7. What a cutie. Happy Birthday to him


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