Saturday, 13 June 2015

Slimming World Week Nine

I am now nine weeks into my Slimming World weight loss journey and I am amazed at myself that I have actually managed to stick at it for this long, as I normally give up on diets within a few days or sometimes even hours. This just goes to show that the Slimming World plan is easy to stick to and incorporate into everyday family life. I eat the same meals as my family and don't ever feel like I am on a diet.

This week I have been fairly good, I have had no takeaways or meals out and have eaten all healthy home-cooked meals. However, I did go for afternoon tea on Sunday and had a few glasses of wine and a cake. I also have not been writing down what I have been eating and have not been keeping any kind of track on my syns so I have probably gone over them. 

Anyway, on Thursday morning I went to class feeling unsure if I would have lost any weight and was expecting a small gain as I was feeling bloated and rubbish thanks to it being a star week. However I had lost 1 lb, I know it is just a pound but I'm actually happy with that this week as it is still a loss and at least I am losing and not gaining any weight. This brings my total to 1 stone 1lb weight loss in nine weeks.

slimming world certificate for 1 stone loss

 I also got my one stone award and sticker as there were different people on the weigh-in desk last week so I did not get my award, I am shallow and like having my stickers and certificates as they motivate me to keep to plan. I was also sent this lovely little Summer recipe book full of tasty looking recipes that you can buy from the 15th of June priced at £3.95 at your local group. 

little book of summer book slimming world recipe book

This week I am going to go back to basics and start writing everything down, keeping track of my syns and hopefully I will have a better loss next week. As even though I am losing weight every week I would like to lose more then 1lb a week if possible. I have already done a weekly meal plan and have lots of different meals to try this week and the grocery shop has been done, with no treats for me. Although it is the other half's birthday on Wednesday and we are having either a meal out or a takeaway, even though I will try and order something healthy I just know it probably won't happen. Fingers crossed for a loss on Thursday as I just know I am going to be having a gain the week after as I am off to London for the weekend to attend Britmums Live and I know a lot of wine and un-slimming world friendly foods will be consumed. 

You can find out more about Slimming World or find your local class on the website




  1. Well done you! That is fantastic! Congrats!
    Good luck for this next week x

  2. Oh well done, you're doing so fabulously! I really need to get myself back into shape, I'm just struggling to find the time at the moment and so my heart's not in it. I'll be watching your slimming world journey with interest, it sounds great, I might give it a go too when I'm ready.xx

    1. Thank you Natalie, i love Slimming World i have never once felt like i am on a diet and i am eating so much lovely food, i have just limited the treats and changed how i cook and tried lots of new recipes i really recommend it xx


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