Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Signs You're A Parent To A Toddler

Every parent will tell you that they can not believe how fast time goes when you have children, one minute you have a tiny newborn baby in your arms and then the next thing you know you have a demanding, walking, talking toddler with a mind of there own. I often look at my two-year-old daughter and think that it does not seem five minutes since she was a baby, but now she is a proper little girl with a big personality. This got me thinking about signs that you're a parent to a toddler.

1.) You watch Disney Junior / CBeebies and realise that you know every word to the theme tune and every characters name. You also often find yourself watching children's t.v programs without realising even after your child has gone to bed.

2.) Your once spotless living room will resemble a toy shop, and a messy one at that.

3.) Tantrums really do happen no matter how good your baby was. Tantrums also normally happen when you are in public so you end up getting embarrassed as everyone will stop and stare.

4.) They can become obsessed with random objects and will carry them around all day or try and take them to bed at night. The current obsession in our house is hairbrushes, shoes and pegs.

5.) The roast dinner you spent hours making as it is usually your toddler's favourite meal will end up on the floor.

6.) Mummy and Daddy's phone and the remote are the most sought after possessions ever.

7.) Going to do the weekly food shop or visiting the doctors on your own is classed as a treat and 'me' time.

8.) You find yourself hiding in the kitchen to eat a sneaky bar of chocolate/bag of crisps so you don't have to share.

9.) You have long since forgotten what a hot cup of coffee is like.

10.) 7 am is now classed as a lie in.

11.) You no longer have any handbags as you have been using a changing bag as your handbag for the last few years.

12.) You often end up going out with food stains or sticky handprints on your clothing and you don't care.

13.) Your toddler is dressed better than you as you can't remember the last time you brought new clothes for yourself.

14.) You know never to leave anything like keys lying around as you will end up spending days looking for them and you will normally find them in the bottom of the bin or hidden in a shoe.

15.) When you clean your sofa you find odd socks, a half-eaten biscuit and a toy under the cushions.

16.) You have little fingerprints on your walls and door's and if you're *really* lucky you might have some toddler art on your walls too.

17.) You dread unexpected visitors as your house will look like it has been burgled with toys and cushions thrown all over the place.

18.) You keep putting off potty training as you know things will get messy.

19.) By the time bedtime comes around you are exhausted and too tired to do anything and 10 pm is classed as a late night.

20.) When they hug you and give you a kiss you realise just how lucky you are and your heart melts every time they do something new for the first time - unless it is pulling the wallpaper off as you really won't appreciate that.

If you are a parent to a toddler what would you would add to the list? I would love to know.



  1. We're getting into this stage and a lot of these points are becoming frighteningly familiar....


  2. Haha! Great list, potty training is our 'next to do' and I'm preparing myself. Pickle always has an assortment of random things he carries round too! Kaz x

    1. I have been meaning to start potty training since she turned two a few weeks ago but i keep putting it off as i just dont have the time or energy at the moment which is rather bad as my oldest was dry by her second birthday xx

  3. Aww yes to all of these. I have come to realise that toddlers are bonkers! Exhausting, frustrating, but we wouldn't change it for anything xx

    1. They really are bonkers mine makes me laugh every single day xx

  4. This is just brilliant, each one made me chuckle. I identify with them all, I currently have a 2 year old and an 18 month old around the home all day and it's so funny. You just have to let things go for a season. I'd destroy myself trying to keep everything perfect otherwise xxx love it #sharewithme

    1. Thank you, i know my standards have slipped a lot since having my little two as they are such a handful and destroy everything in site xx

  5. Hehe yes I put the potty off till he was 3 years old. Luckily doing it so late meant he cracked it in a week.....ish! :)

    1. oh i hope mine manages it in a week but i very much doubt she will xx

  6. I commented earlier but it didn't work! I love this list, takes me back to the toddler days. Number 14 especially, I once lost my phone and searched everywhere before admitting defeat, I was pretty much ready to buy a new one. We used to buy bulk boxes of nappies in the baby events, and i opened a sealed box up a few weeks later to find my phone inside, one of my lovely children had posted the phone through the little handle hole at the side haha x

    1. haha i cant believe they lost your phone in the nappy box, i bet you were so happy to find it eventually xx

  7. Definitely agree that 7am is now an acceptable time to get up. Even 6 o'clock now seems kind of okay!!! Well, as long as I'm not at work! Getting up at 6 and getting in at twenty to 9 is never fun. x


    1. Oh no i hope she does not wake you at 6 often when you are at work xx

  8. Oh, yes. All of the above! 7am is definitely a lie in, and my house permanently looks like it's been burgled... But No. 20 is absolutely true (but I agree on the wallpaper, been there too...!!). #sharewithme

    1. At least it is not just my daughter who has ripped wallpaper off , i dont want people visiting as she has pulled it off in two places in the lounge in noticeable places so anyone coming to visit will think we are strange with ripped of wallpaper as i cant get it decorated until my partner is off work in a few weeks xx

  9. Haha Lindsay, YES to all of these, especially the Cbeebies and your toddler carrying around random objects, my guy ALWAYS has his slipper in his hand. Brilliant post, have to share :)

    Fi @

    1. Thank you Fiona ,My daughter loves slippers too and she wears hers nonstop. Every day she finds a new object to become obssesed with today it is a yellow rubber duck she has not put it down xx

  10. Haha! Cbeebies program is my watch! I know the time by the show on TV! Even if they change I get to adjust right up =P #sharewithme

    1. Haha i have not mastered that one yet but i am sure it will happen soon xx


  11. 2.) Your once spotless living room will resemble a toy shop, and a messy one at that.

    yes!!! juat yes *sigh*

    1. I dread people visiting as they must think i never tidy and live in a pig sty xx

  12. All so so true! 7am is most def a lie in and we are forever "losing" things. The most memorable being her glasses. We looked all over the house and couldn't find them anywhere, until we made her dinner and found them in her plate box. Of course that's where they belong?! x

    1. Haha oh dear we find things hidden in strange places too , her daddy lost his driving license and we searched for weeks to try and find it then one day she just just went and pulled it out from a little gap behind the highchair she had hidden it in xx

  13. Replies
    1. I know long gone are the days of lying in bed until after 10 on a weekend, i bet by the time are children sleep later we will be so used to the early mornings we can't sleep late xx

  14. hahaha I love this! I regularly hide behind things to quickly eat something & know every word to cbeebies.
    It's all so true! :-D
    I'm sat in my living room right now, Evie's been down here for an hour & it looks like a bomb has gone off.

    1. My living room is the same my daughter has pulled every single toy out the toy box and my son has emptied the changing bag and has wipes everywhere , i only left them for two minutes so i could make a cuppa and the house is destroyed xx

  15. Laughed out loud at number 14 - I thought it was just my son who was obsessed with putting things in shoes but now his little sister has started doing it too! x #TheList

    1. I thought it was just my daughter too we find all sorts in shoes , little tinkers xx

  16. Such a great list! As I'm reading my daughter is playing with a clothes peg on her dummy and loving it lol xx

    1. Haha bless her , toddlers seem to love pegs don't they xx

  17. I absolutely love the list and can relate having two toddlers on my hands. So great. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

    1. Thank you Jenny and thank you for hosting share with me xx

  18. I agree with all these points. My toddler is ALWAYS better dressed than me. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

    1. I love dressing my toddler in cute outfits and can not resit buying her new clothes. maybe when they are grown up we will start buying are selves new clothes although they will still probably be better dressed then us xx


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