Thursday, 29 June 2017

Thing's I Loved June 2017

It feels like I have not blogged in such a long time, this month has been so busy that I just have not had the time to blog.  I have not sat down and written a post in weeks and I now have some serious catching up to do and so many emails to reply too. To get me back into the swing of blogging again I thought that I would write about some of the thing's that I have loved from the month gone by. 

Thomas June 2017

1.) I Got Engaged!

If you follow me on social media you might have already seen this but a couple of weeks ago I got engaged. I was kind of expecting it as we have been talking about getting married but it was still a nice surprise. Luckily I love my engagement ring, although it is so strange wearing a ring as I don't normally wear very much jewellery. 

my engagement ring june 2017

2.) Wedding Planning 

We have decided on a summer 2019 wedding, which will give us two years to save and plan everything. I have no ideas about wedding planning so I have brought some magazines and it is really nice thinking about what kind of a day we want to have. We have been looking at wedding brochures and been to view some venues and I think we have found the perfect venue for us, I just need to persuade my dad to pay the £700 venue deposit for me (fingers crossed). 

3.) Booking A Holiday

Earlier this month we booked our first family holiday abroad for next spring, we are going to Majorca for a week in May. It will be the little two's first time on an aeroplane and are first family holiday abroad and we are all so excited already as it is something nice to look forward too. 

Turtle Bay Newcastle beef main

4.) Turtle Bay

Myself and the other half were invited to Turtle Bay in Newcastle for a meal and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The food was delicious, service brilliant and they had 2 for 1 cocktails, it was the perfect place to relax and have some child-free time together. 

5.) Orange Is The New Black

I love the Netflix show Orange is the new black, I admit that I kind of went off the last series as I am not a fan of the main character Piper. She did not appear in it as much this series so I really enjoyed it, you really can't beat a good Netflix binge. 

6.) A Day Out With Thomas

My two-year-old Jacob is a huge Thomas fan so when we heard he would be appearing at Stephenson Railway Museum near where we live we booked tickets. It rained the whole day and I admit that it was not as a good as I thought that it would be, we only stayed an hour. However, Jacob loved seeing Thomas and having a ride on a steam train and it was nice to do something he loved.

7.) Half Term

I love when my children are off for half-term, we did not do a lot as the other half was working a lot but it was nice just having lazy days at home. We also went for a few family meals and spent lots of time outdoors in the sunshine. 

8.) Pre-School Trip

Jacob had a pre-school trip to Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens and it was so nice spending the day with just him and his little pre-school friends. He is not really a fan of animals and was more interested in the park and eating his packed lunch, but he surprised me by stroking the animals and holding a guinea pig. 

9.) Winning Flights

I got a nice email this month saying I had won two return flights to Faro in Portugal on Honest Mum Blog. I was really looking forward to having a little mini break with the other half in Portugal but unfortunately, we can't go so my dad and teen are going for a long weekend instead (very jealous). 

10.) Blog Break

I did not intend to have a blog break but I have for most of this month and I have loved it! It has been so nice just switching off and spending the other half's days off as a family instead of stuck to the laptop. I may now have hundreds of emails to reply too but it was worth it to have time away and not be glued to my phone all the time. 

So those are some of the things that I have loved in June, how was your month? 

A Cornish Mum


  1. Sounds like a fab month to me!! Congrats on the engagement. Your ring is gorgeous. Hopefully the emails don't take too long to reply too.

  2. Congratulations on your engagement. Love the ring. Sounds like you had a nice month

  3. Congratulations on getting engaged, that is so exciting! A blogging break sounds amazing, I think I will have one for a bit over summer x #LikedandLoved

    1. Thank you so much Laura. I hope you get to have a break over the summer with your girls xx

  4. Ahh huge congrats on getting engaged! Don't overdo the planning - give people some music, alcohol and some food and they'll be happy! :D Beautiful ring by the way.

    My little girls love Thomas - the days out with Thomas are always a hit!


  5. Congrats again on the engagement lovely :) your ring is gorgeous!

    So jealous about Majorca, we took the boys just over 3 years ago there for their first holiday abroad and they LOVED it, I so want to go back!

    Yay to wedding planning, I hope you've had an ace July, though June would have been hard to beat ;) Thanks for joining in with #LikedandLoved

    Stevie x


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