Monday, 30 November 2020

Antique Jewellery For Your Wedding Day


" Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue and a Lucky Sixpence in her shoe."

I am sure this is an old wedding rhyme that most of us are familiar with. I know from personal experience that a lot of brides-to-be still stick to this rhyme as following it is meant to bring good luck to the marriage. I also know that a lot of brides struggle with finding something old to wear on their big day. Personally, I choose an old pair of diamond earrings my late mam give me as my own something old. But if you don't have any old family jewellery that is suitable then help is at hand from Carus Jewellery who are antique jewellery specialists that have some beautiful pieces, perfect to wear on your wedding day. 

I got married last year and it was the most wonderful day but it took two years of planning and saving. In that time I joined a lot of wedding Facebook groups and I am still a member of many of them today, and I see time after time brides-to-be wondering about what to have as their something old, new, borrowed and blue. Most brides (myself included) use their wedding dress as their something new, a popular choice for borrowed is an item from a loved one such as a veil or tiara, mine was a locket with a photo of my late mam and nana off my aunt. My something blue was a blue jewel on the bottom of my Rainbow Club bridal shoes, whilst some people opt for garters or blue ribbon sewn into the inside of their dress.

beautiful antique earrings from Carus Jewellery

But so many brides-to-be struggle with something old. This is where Carus Jewellery come in as they sell a range of beautiful, timeless antique jewellery - perfect for your something old. 

Jewellery is such a great choice as it is timeless and will last a lifetime. I love the idea that you can wear a piece of antique jewellery on your wedding day and it will be in all of your wedding photographs and then you can wear it again in the future and remember your happy day. You can even gift it to your child or a grandchild in the future and they will be able to look back on your wedding photographs and see you wearing the piece of jewellery on your special day. 

Antique jewellery is perfect for finishing off your bridal look, I especially love the 
opal and diamond pendant necklace and the bangles from Carus Jewellery as they are items you can wear time and time again. 

Antique pendant from Carus Jewellery

I think that it is safe to say that this year has been a bit rubbish and I feel so sorry for all of the brides and grooms who have had to cancel or rearrange their weddings this year and I hope you all get your big day soon. I think that 2021 and 2022 will be popular years for weddings as not only are people rearranging but also lots of people are booking weddings, as this year has shown us what is important in life. Love, happiness, stability are what are important along with health and family. 

If you are married and you wore something old, new, borrowed and blue for your wedding day let me know what you wore in the comments below. 


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