Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Things I Loved February 2021


For years now I have written a monthly post of the things that I have loved from the month gone by, a sort of happy post to record things we did and things that made me happy from the month gone by. Due to the pandemic, I have not really blogged much the past year and the last time I wrote a things I loved post was back in May and before that it was in January 2020. 

2021 hasn't got off to the best of starts has it? We have started the year in our third lockdown and the children have been off school for months again. I found this lockdown so much harder than the previous two, I think it was because the weather was rubbish and home-schooling was so time-consuming this time around. Even though we have been at home and haven't been anywhere or done anything we have still had a nice time as a family, well some of the time. So here is a little look at some of the things that I loved in February 2021. 

1.) Having The Children Home

I know I have just said lockdown and home-schooling was hard this time around but I was so thankful to have the children home the past couple of months. With cases rising and the new covid varients around in the New Year, I was feeling a bit anxious about sending them back to school after the Christmas break. It was nice to spend time with the three of them and even though they bicker like most siblings do I really feel like the time at home together has strengthened the bond between the three of them. 

2.) Netflix 

Netflix has kept me sane during so much time at home! I am not normally a big TV watcher and very rarely watch the TV but I do love a good Netflix binge every now and then. I have watched so many great shows over the past few weeks. I started with the final season of Sabrina and then moved on to Cobra Kai - which I loved despite not being a karate kid fan (I don't even think I have seen the films). I then watched Bridgerton which I absolutely loved even though I never watch period dramas but I loved Bridgerton so much I watched it twice! I also watched all the How To Get Away With Murder seasons and again I really enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone. Now I just need to find something new to watch, if anyone has any recommendations send them my way. 

3.) Uni Offers 

My teen is in her final year of her A-Levels and has been applying to Universities she applied to four and has been offered three and has an interview for her fourth choice. So we are not sure where she will be off to yet and if she will be moving into student accommodation or staying at home, it is all a bit up in the air at the moment. It has been hard as due to covid we have been unable to visit any university open days or anything. I just hope she ends up somewhere she is happy. 

4.) Snow Days 

The children loved the snow we had recently, they loved playing in the garden and building snowmen. It was nice to have a little bit of normality for the children and even the dog loved it, he was running around the garden and wanted to be outside nonstop. 

5.) Booked A Holiday 

In January the husband booked a family holiday for 2022 to Holiday Village Turkey. We have had two holidays cancelled due to covid, last years and this summers so it is nice to have something to look forward too. I have no idea if the holiday will go ahead or not, if it doesn't we will change it to the following year. 

6.) The Masked Singer 

We watched the masked singer last year and enjoyed it but this year the children got really involved with it and loved it. Every Saturday we let them stay up late to watch it and we had a family night with takeaways and snacks and it was really nice. 

7.) Stars Of The Week

The little two both got the star of the week awards at school for their home learning which they were super proud of. Homeschooling was a struggle and some days we had tears and some days we had a sneaky day off, but they both tried super hard so I was happy for them that their hard work had been recognised.  

8.) Dad Had Vaccine 

During the whole pandemic, I have been more worried about loved ones than myself. I was so relieved when my dad got his first covid vaccine back in January (due to being an NHS volunteer ambulance driver). My mother-in-law caught covid at work in January but was thankfully ok and has since been vaccinated along with the rest of my husbands older relatives, which he is relieved about. 

9.) Street Food 

One of the good things about most places being closed is that street food trucks have been popping up all over the region. We have enjoyed greek gyros (twice), chicken little burgers and Fat Hippo burgers so far. Hopefully, we get to enjoy a few more over the coming weeks. 

10.) Wax Melts 

I have always liked candles and have a few Yankee ones dotted around the house but I never got the hype over wax melts. Last summer I got a burner and some melts from a local company and liked them but didn't use them much. However recently I have been buying more fragrances and really like them, I have a fruity scented one or Snow Fairy one burning most days as it makes the house smell amazing. I have built up quite a collection now and must have over 20 different scents. I get mine from Scentsnation a small business on Facebook (Snow Fairy is amazing from here) or Ohh so Juicy (Rhubarb and Plum and Black Cherry are favourites from here). 

So those are some of the things I have loved recently, what have you been loving lately? 


1 comment

  1. I am the same as much as mostly hated the home schooling but did love having my girls at home.
    I'm having a break from Netflix at the moment and have Disney+ which I am loving with all the new shows added.
    Congrats to your teen with her uni applications and good luck to her.
    Fingers crossed you get to go on your holiday, surely all of this should be over by then. x


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