Friday, 27 November 2020

Race With Ryan Road Trip Deluxe Edition Switch Game Review


If you are a parent to primary school-aged children then I am sure you are aware of Ryan's World. Ryan is an American child YouTube star who is loved by children around the world. His Ryan World, Ryan Toy Reviews and spin-off channels the kaji family, The Studio Space, Combo Panda and Gus the Gummy Gator have millions of subscribers and billions of views. The channels feature 9-year-old Ryan Kaji, his parents and younger twin sisters along with his animation characters Combo, Gus and friends. 

My children are huge Ryan's World fans, they have been watching Ryan's YouTube channel for years and more recently his T.V show on Nickelodeon. They have some of his toy's  - the giant mystery eggs were huge hits in this household the past two Christmases. It is safe to say he has been a firm favourite for the past few years and kids seem to find his videos so entertaining and love his toys and games. So when we were offered to review the Race with Ryan Road Trip deluxe game edition for the switch I knew that my children would enjoy it. My son actually asked for the game last Christmas but it was sold out in Smyths - it was that popular! 

What is Ryan Road Trip? 

Ryan's Road Trip is a game that was released last year and it has recently had a bit of an update with the Deluxe edition (more on that in a moment). As the name of the game suggests it is a car racing game featuring characters such as Ryan himself and his animated characters from his shows and toy range. The game is super simple to set up and use and has characters children will know and love and lots of fun features that will remind children of the YouTube channel. Children can even race as a Ryan character which my own children love to do. 

The Deluxe Edition is exclusive to Smyths and features more tracks to race on and more characters. There are 12 new USA themed drivers such as Kansas Gus, American Titan and New York Lexa. There are 4 new circuits to race such as Route 66 and New York. 

My children found playing the game really easy and managed to work out what to do on their own within minutes. They loved that videos of Ryan feature on the game and his voice cheers them on when they are doing well. 

The tracks are really appealing to children and they thought that collecting the eggs dotted around the track was great fun, especially as the eggs contain surprises such as sticky slime, burger shields and paper planes. It also has different levels of play with an easier option for younger players. 

What We Thought

My children aged 6 and 7, both really enjoyed playing the Race With Ryan Road Trip Game. They enjoyed the different tracks and characters and found the game really fun and easy to play on their own. They enjoyed Ryan being a part of the game and liked that things that feature on his YouTube channel feature on his game - such as surprise eggs and slime etc. It had really bright and great graphics that are really appealing. 

I think that any Ryan's World fan would be happy to receive the Race With Ryan Road Trip Deluxe Edition game this Christmas. The game is available to buy at Smyths toys priced at £34.99. The game is available for Nintendo Switch,  Xbox One, PS4 and PC. 

Extra Activities 

Along with the game we were very kindly sent a Ryans World Combo Panda Mystery Vehicle playset (RRP £34.99). I thought my children would burst with excitement when they saw this as my son is a huge Combo Panda fan and he loves opening Ryan Mystery toys. This set was one huge surprise bundle as you had to crack codes to open the playset and unlock all of the separate compartments. Each compartment had an exciting surprise hiding in it. It contained a Mystery vehicle and figure, a stamp and so much more. 

To find out more about the Race With Ryan Road Trip Game Deluxe Edition and the Combo Panda Mystery Playset join in a fun Twitter party with myself (@nefamilylife) plus lots of other bloggers, @UKMumstv and @Outright_games on Friday the 4th December 2020 at 1pm and following the hashtag #RaceWithRyanRoadTrip. For your chance to find out more and maybe even win some prizes. 


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