Friday, 21 June 2019

Two Weeks Until I Say I Do

In less than two weeks time I will be getting married and I honestly can not believe that after two years of planning the day is almost here! The past few weeks have been crazy busy sorting things out for the big day, we (well I have) ticked so many things off our wedding to-do list and things are starting to come together with just a few more things to sort and buy now. I am feeling surprisingly calm about the wedding at the moment, the only thing I have been stressed about is paying for things (thanks to the other half messing things up, but that's a whole other story). 

What I have been up to 

All of the big things are obviously ticked off the list now and sorted, as it is too late to add anything else this close to the day. This week I made a start on the place tags for the day time meal, as we decided to make our own as buying ones we liked were so expensive. I have also started making the children activity boxes up, luckily we only have four children attending during the day. I finally got around to ordering confetti and a few little decor bits for the venue, even though I have a venue dresser doing all of our decor. I have ordered a CD of some of our favourite songs for background music for the wedding breakfast and I finally finished off the table plan. 

We are having a candy table, so I ordered some big tubs of sweets for that online at Makro and I could not believe how cheap they were - total bargain. 

This week the other half also turned 30, I felt a bit bad we did not do anything to celebrate but I think a wedding is a good way to celebrate your 30th. 

Things have not been all great though as I reluctantly had to cancel a few suppliers this week as we now don't have the money but that is a whole different story. We have also had people drop out and people being added to the guest list but these things happen and luckily everything seems to be working out ok. 

Still to do 

I still have a few bits to do, I can't wait to get everything done so we can just relax and actually look forward to the big day. The other half finishes work the week before the wedding as he has two weeks holiday off work, a week before and a week after so I am sure that we will get the last minute things completed then. 

We have a rehearsal at our venue a few days before the wedding, I also have a meeting with our DJ booked and I still need to pay for hair and makeup. We still have some bits to buy like shoes for the groom and Jacob and we still need ties for the groomsmen. I still need to collect my dress from the bridal shop, I can't wait to collect it. 

Writing everything down makes me realise that we don't actually have a lot left to do really and things are starting to come together nicely now. I just hope the weather improves a bit as I keep checking the forecast and it says rain some days,  I hope not as I have booked a venue with nice gardens for photographs. 

If anyone has any on the day or last minute wedding tips then send them my way. 



  1. Since you first mentioned getting wed, time has flown over.
    I hope you have a wonderful day.xx

    1. It went by so fast, the whole day was truly wonderful and I loved every minute x

  2. So so close now and sounds as if everything is in order.I shall be keeping everything crossed that you have beautiful weather on the big day x

    1. The weather was wonderful, it ended up being the hottest day of the year xx

  3. Oh congratulations! Such an exciting but stressful time. My tip would totally be to plan in some time for you beforehand if you can - even if it's just a day to go for a nice walk, do your nails and read a book - mayem is coming! Enjoy your day x


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