Monday, 3 June 2019

Feeling Nostalgic For The 90s With The Spice Girls

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I loved the 90s, being born in the early 80s the 90s was the decade I grew up in and I have so many amazing memories. From the cool TV shows, Saturday morning TV rocked! To the questionable fashion styles, Adidas popper pants, hair scrunchies, plastic dummy necklaces and platform trainers anyone? To the catchy pop music filling the charts, it was a decade full of fun that I remember fondly. 

Spice Girls walkers tv advert clip

So when I heard iconic 90s pop group the Spice Girls were back I was instantly transported back to being a teenager, waiting to watch them on Top Of The Pops on a Friday evening and heading to HMV to buy their latest single (remember when you could buy a single on CD or cassette tape?). I was 13 when Wannabe hit the airwaves and I used to make up dance routines with my friends and knew every word, I probably still do.


spice girls in a kitchen

The Spice Girls were fun and feisty, with all five band members having different personalities that you could relate too. They brought Girl Power to a whole new level and young girls looked up to them and wanted to be them. Fast forward twenty-two years and the Spice Girls are still huge despite their break, their songs are still loved and getting tickets to their latest tour was like gold dust. 

Lots of my friends are off to see them on tour in two weeks time and I am slightly jealous, as I bet the show will be lots of fun singing along to the catchy tunes and remembering being a carefree teenager again. 

Spice Girl fever has definitely hit the UK again as flocks of fans head to see the shows and to coincide with this Walkers have teamed up with the Spice Girls on a hunt to find The Spice Girls biggest fan. Last night during the Britains Got Talent live final you may have spotted an advert to kick start the hunt for the Walkers Spice Girls Best Ever Fan campaign, if you missed it you can catch it in the video below. 

Do you think you could be the Spice Girls biggest fan? 

Disclosure this is a collaborative post with Walkers. 


  1. The Spice Girls were just HUGE back in the 90s weren't they! Even if I explain it to kids now they can't get a grasp that they were bigger than 1D!!!

    1. I know my teenage just doesn't understand how popular they were x

  2. Love love love this! They are my favourite band of all time I reckon - although it is a close call with Westlife. My first ever gig was Spice Girls in Birmingham when I was 10. Very excited to see them in Edinburgh next weekend! Melis x

    1. I hope you had an amazing time seeing them in Edinburgh x

  3. I was SO into the Spice Girls when I was young. I remember learning the dance routines with my friend Jodi. Their message of Girl Power was so refreshing at that time. I'm pretty cross at myself that I didn't get tickets to see them at Sunderland now!

  4. The 90's was the best decade.
    I remember Wannabe being in the charts the year I left school. My friends and I loved the Spice Girls. x

    1. I loved wannabe, I used to dance to it with my friends x

  5. I loved the spice girls back in the day! I love that they have reunited!

  6. I went to the Spice girls convert last night and it was SO good!

  7. Epic band, spice girls were my favourite group. I will never forget how my parents got me a stereo with my first ever cassette on my 6th birthday, and it was Spice Girl's cassette. Best birthday in my life.

  8. I can't believe he didn't share his crisps! I do appreciate how hard it is to give up those cheese and onion walkers though ;-)

    1. I love cheese and onion walkers, blooming lush x


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