Friday 3 May 2019

Things I Loved April 2019

Just like that, another month is over, April was a month full of illness (again), lots of wedding planning and a few nice family days out. Now that the weather is getting a bit nicer I am hoping that we get a break from illness and we can crack on with getting everything sorted for the wedding and enjoy some family time in the sunshine. May is always a good month for us as it is Sophia's birthday and she will be six soon, which is crazy as in my head she is still about three. So here is a look at some of the things that I loved in April 2019.

1.) School Holidays

I love when it is the school holidays and I have all three children at home, it is lush having lazy mornings at home and a break from the school run. We did not do a lot during the school holidays as Sophia had a really bad sickness bug which lasted almost a week and which she passed onto Jacob. We had a few days out, spent some time with family and the children enjoyed playing out in the garden most days. 

2.) Easter 

I love Easter, we don't do a lot but it is nice that nowhere is open so we spend the day at home together. We always have fish and chips from the chippy on good Friday and roast lamb dinner on Easter Sunday. The children get far too many chocolate eggs and we watch films and eat yummy food and it is just nice having family time together. 

3.) Everything I Never Told You Book

I read Everything I Never Told you book by Celeste Ng (Little fires everywhere) this month and loved it. The book reminded me so much of The Lovely Bones and I could not put it down, I was hooked and read it in a day. 

4.) Umbrella Academy

I finally got around to watching The Umbrella Academy on Netflix after hearing people recommend it and I really enjoyed it. I didn't think I would enjoy it as I am not really into superheroes and things like that but I really liked this show and hope a second series is out soon. 

5.) Jump 360

During the Easter holidays we were invited along to Jump 360 Newcastle which is in Benton and it was good fun. The girls enjoyed it and it was something different that they could enjoy together (they are 5 and 16) as it is often difficult finding things that are suitable for both of them. 

6.) Wedding Planning

As the wedding is getting nearer we have been ticking more and more things of our huge to-do list. This month had a final meeting at our venue and paid all of the day time food and drinks off, we picked all of our venue decor and cake flavours. We picked our rings up from the jewellers and I had my first dress fitting and got all my accessories for on the day sorted. I am starting to feel a lot more organised and can't believe how fast the wedding is coming around.

7.) Hen Party

This month I had my hen party which was good fun, 15 of us went out and I laughed so much. It was a surprise so I didn't know what I was doing but we got a limo into Newcastle, had a meal at an Italians where I got serenaded by a man with a guitar and then we went for cocktails and drinks. I was out from 1pm to 1am and I was actually fine with no hangover or anything the next day. It was nice to catch up with friends and family and have a night out for a change. 

8.) Warmer Weather

I have been enjoying the warmer weather the past few weeks as the children have really enjoyed playing outdoors in the garden. We have been able to get outdoors more and I always think the warmer weather and sunshine makes everyone feel happier too. 

9.) Winning Streak

At the weekend the other half got a scratch card and won £1000 which is perfect timing with a wedding to pay for. He got a £1 scratch card and won £5 so he got a £5 scratch card and won £1000, I didn't believe him at first as I don't buy scratch cards so haven't got a clue about them. Was a bit of a nightmare to cash it in but he finally managed and the check is now in the bank. 

10.) Holiday Planning

One of my most favourite things to do lately is looking online for holidays, I must look every single day. We are hoping to go away in September but we haven't decided where yet, but I really fancy Greece as I have never been before and it looks beautiful. We are also planning on going to Cyprus next May half-term for Sophia's birthday. I have spent hours online looking at hotels and TripAdvisor reviews, I really need to hurry up and just get somewhere booked. 

So those are some of the things that I have enjoyed recently, how was your April? I would love to know in the comments below. 



  1. Wow congrats on the £1000 considering how expensive weddings are that's amazing timing! You look lovely in that photo, not long now til your wedding! I can't wait to nose at your photos afterwards :)

    Stevie x

    1. I know it was perfect timing as the wedding is more expensive than we first realised x

  2. I wish the warmer weather would return! It's freezing today. So pleased about your big win xx

    1. I know it is so cold, I have even had the heating on lately x

  3. Wasn't the warmer weather amazing! It sucks that we've gone back to it all being cold again! Can't plan for anything!

  4. We have been doing lots of holiday planning too! I love this time of year for doing so - I love having things to look forward to.

    1. Are you off anywhere nice? I love holiday planning its so exciting x

  5. Oh I love Celeste Ng and that's a great book! Sounds like a great month for you!

  6. How exciting that your wedding plans are coming together - I love planning our wedding

    1. Thank you, everything seems to be coming together nicely x

  7. Wow well done on winning £1000! I loved the Easter holidays too and having the girls home for such a long time.

  8. Ooh a wedding! It's worth all the stress in the end!

    1. I have to keep telling myself that lately lol x

  9. I have been hesitant about the umbrella academy, I will need to check it out now.

  10. Sounds like a good April to me! I also really enjoyed Easter and bank hols and the warmer weather. I am yet to watch umbrella academy though!

    1. Umbrella Academy was really good, I didn't think I would like it but I was hooked x

  11. Oh my gosh well done on winning the £1000!! that is amazing and ideal for extra wedding spends xx

  12. Is this a makeup you're planning on wearing on your wedding day? You look absolutely stunning in it! Congrats on winning the cash, it is always so much needed prior wedding x

    1. No, I haven't had my make-up trial done off my wedding MUA yet. Although I think I will go for something natural and similar to this x

  13. Oh exciting planning for the wedding and brilliant on a £1000 win to help!!

    1. It was perfect timing and helped pay a chunk off my ever grown wedding bill lol x

  14. You had a busy April. Good the wedding planning is coming through nicely.


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