Monday, 1 April 2019

3 Months Until I Say I Do

It is now just 3 little months until I get married and we are full steam ahead with wedding planning, I can't believe how much there is to organise and think about for just one day! The closer the big day gets the more anxious I am becoming, I feel really overwhelmed as I feel like we still have so much to do and think about. Last month we were actually pretty productive and got a lot of things sorted and ticked off our pretty big wedding to-do list, I am hoping this month is as productive. 

What We Have Done This Month

This month I finally got around to ordering evening invites and we have sent most of the invites out now, we just have a few more left to hand out and then we should have a better idea on numbers as our RSVP date is next month. I rang the registrar up this month and paid the balance off that, luckily as we paid before 1st April we managed to pay last years price as it has since gone up in price. We have paid £465 in total for the registrar plus £70 to give notice. We also went and ordered and paid for our rings this month, we have just gone for plain gold bands as that's all the other half can wear for work and I wanted the rings to match. 

Last week the other half headed to Slaters in Newcastle to order suits for him and the groomsmen, we were originally going to hire them but we decided to buy in the end as there is not much price difference. I have no idea what his suit is like and won't find out until on our wedding day all I know is the colour. 

I have also sorted a hairdresser out and have been thinking about what style I would like my hair on the day, I am still totally clueless. I have also decided that I am going to get ready at my dad's house on the morning of the wedding, it is where I grew up and it just feels right to get ready there instead of in a hotel room. 

Still To Do

Oh gosh, we still have so much to do, I don't even know where to begin. We still have a huge chunk to pay off the venue for catering, luckily we can manage to pay it with the other half's wages. We need to meet all of our suppliers to arrange the day and pay all the payments off as most are due around a month before the wedding day. We need to arrange a final meeting with the venue and arrange our rehearsal at the venue so everyone knows what is happening on the day. We need to meet with the registrar who will be marrying us a few weeks before the wedding and we still need to pick our vows, readings and music for the ceremony. 

I have dress alterations booked for this month and still need to buy all of my accessories, and buy all the extras to go with my dress. I need to sort all the decor stuff out for the wedding and meet with the people who are doing the chairs and decor bits, still haven't decided what chair sash or centrepieces I want. I need to make a start on the table plan and place settings once we get all the RSVPs back too. There are lots of little things to sort out too like shoes for the kids, what sweets we want on the sweet cart, music, gifts etc. 

We are also having our stag and hen parties this month which should be fun. The other half is off to the races and then a night out in Newcastle with his family and friends, I dread to think what state he will come home in. Then at the end of the month, I am off to Newcastle for a night out with a group of friends and family, I have no idea what I am doing as it is being kept a secret from me. 

So that is where we are at with wedding planning, all the big things are in place and have been for ages but we still need to pay a lot of things off and plan all the little things. Hopefully next month we will have paid a few more things off and made a big dent in all the little jobs as we have so many of them. 


  1. Oh not long to go now! I bet you'll feel better once the venue has been paid off x

    1. Can't believe how fast it is coming around, all the day food is paid so thats a relief x

  2. SO EXCITING! When I was planning my wedding so many people warned me that I'd hate it and it would be really stressful but I really did love it so much! When it was all over I had serious post wedding blues because i'd enjoyed planning so much! I'd do it all again no hesitation ... I'm asking Simon every month if we can do it all again, I drive him mad!

    1. I think I am going to be the same, I don't know what I will do without all my time being taking up with wedding stuff x

  3. Oh wow, not long now. There is so much planning involved in a wedding. Try to enjoy the rest of the planning xx


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