Saturday 2 February 2019

January 2019

Can you believe it is February already? In some weird way it feels like January lasted forever but in another way, it feels like it passed in the blink of an eye. Time really does fly by when you're having fun, not that I had much fun in January mind it was just an ok month I guess. January is always a bit boring as it is so long between paydays and the weather is always freezing cold, I am really not a fan of the cold. It wasn't bad though, we had a few days out, done some wedding planning, binge-watched Luther, kept the kids entertained, usual family life. 

river at preston park with ducks and swans swimming in winter

I had high hopes for January though, I always do when it is the New Year as I am such a cliche and always make resolutions I never, ever, keep. This year I vowed to lose weight for the wedding, which is just 5 months away! The diet lasted a day, I think I need to give up on diets and come up with a new approach to getting healthy. I also had high hopes for this little blog of mine, I decided to finally get my act together and start blogging full-time, write more, spend more time on social media etc. It never happened. In typical my life fashion the other half decided to switch internet providers and mucked the whole thing up so we ended up with no WI-FI for most of the month, not great when you're a blogger! You don't realise how much you rely on WI-FI until you don't have it, no blogging, no spending time on social media or googling whatever you fancy (mobile data really doesn't last long), no Netflix or Sky boxsets. I was so bored, on the plus side my house was super tidy for a few weeks. 

I feel like we have spent so much time this month taking the kids places, the eldest has had meetings and open evenings at local 6th forms she has applied for. Sophia has been at after-school groups like Rainbows and she has had three dental hospital appointments this month. She was amazing and blew me away with her bravery, she had more silver caps fitted to her teeth (she grinds her teeth in her sleep) and a tooth removed under a local anaesthetic, she didn't even flinch. Jacob started football training on a weekend and has had lots of parent events on at school which I had to attend. The little two have had lots of parties to attend too - we have three to attend this weekend alone. 

The other half had ten days off work, we didn't do much apart from lunch out and a couple of shopping trips, pretty boring really. We did binge-watch Luther together, can't believe it has taken us so long to discover that show. It was nice having him off work but it always feels strange having him home during the week and my normal routine went out the window. 

climbing frame at Preston park Museum stockton

We were invited to Preston Park in Stockton on tees to see the Behind the Seams exhibit, I had never been to Preston Park before but we had a really nice day. Sophia loved exploring the grounds and playing in the impressive park. The kids were hoping for snow but we haven't had much here in the North East yet, not enough for sledging or building snowmen sadly. 

We have been busy wedding planning the past few days, can't believe how fast it is coming around. I finally got around to ordering invites and took Sophia flower girl dress shopping. My first dressing fitting is all booked for April and we have been busy sorting little bits for the big day, there is so much to plan and organise its crazy! I also started writing a column for Your North East Wedding magazine this month, which is part of the County Wedding Magazine group which is a nice way to record my wedding. 

So that was basically what January was like for us a quiet, normal month with nothing good or bad happening. Hopefully, I will finally get to blog full-time in February and will find some motivation to get healthy for the wedding. How was your January? 



  1. It sounds like you've had a nice January, Preston Park looks fun. I'm the same in January, I start with lots of motivation to make changes then a week in I'm back to munching chocolate and my trainers gather dust. Hope February is a good one for you x

    1. At least I am not the only one lol. Hope you have a great month too Angela x

  2. Lots of luck for blogging full time in February, and how an earth did you cope with no wifi with a teen in the house. Mine can't cope if it goes off for half an hour. Your wedding will be here in no time, how exciting for you. Hope you have a lovely February x

    1. It was a struggle lol, luckily she has lots of data on her iphone but she did spend a lot of time at friends house after school watching Netflix lol. xx


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