I am super late in writing this post as I normally write about things that I have loved at the end of each month. However, at the very end of April we jetted off on our first family holiday abroad, it was so nice to relax in the sunshine, spend quality family time together and have a break from normal everyday life. We had such an amazing holiday and the children are already begging us to return to Majorca, they loved it that much!
I have also really enjoyed my break from social media and blogging too but now I am feeling refreshed and ready to get back into the swing of things. I will be writing some blog posts about our holiday as we took so many photos and videos of our stay and so many people have asked us what the hotel was like. But for now, I thought I would write about some of the things that I loved in April 2018.
1.) Majorca
On the 28th of April, we jetted off to the beautiful island of Majorca, I have not been to Majorca since I was a teenager and it was just as lovely as I remember it to be. It was the perfect destination for our first family holiday with the little two - due to the short flight time. It is just such a lovely place with white sandy beaches and clear blue sea. We will definitely be returning again soon.
2.) Holiday Countdown
The children spent the whole of April super excited about going on holiday, especially my youngest Jacob. It was nice having something that all five of us were excited about and I loved all the holiday shopping we did during April too.
3.) Easter
Easter was on the 1st of the month and it was a nice way to start the month of. We had a quiet day at home on Easter Sunday, eating chocolate eggs and enjoying a lovely roast lamb dinner together. We did not do a lot over Easter as my youngest Jacob actually had chicken pox so we were housebound again - Sophia had them a few weeks beforehand. It was nice having some family time together over the long bank holiday weekend.
4.) The Crown on Netflix
I am a bit late in discovering this show but I loved it, I don't normally watch shows like this but I really enjoyed it and watched both series back to back. I am not really into the Royal family but this show had me hooked and was fascinating.
5.) Burritos
We went for Burritos this month at Barburrito in the Metrocentre. I would never have thought of taking my children for burritos as the little two are really fussy but they loved them! We all really enjoyed our meals and I am sure we will be visiting again soon.
6.) Half-Term
I always love when my children are off school for half-term and Easter was no exception, it was lush having them home for two whole weeks. We had lots of lazy mornings, a few trips out, we baked and watched films and ate lots of chocolate. It was really nice spending time with all three children and not having to rush about on a morning.
7.) Easter Panto
We were invited to see the Easter Panto Beauty & the Beast at the Tyne Theater and Opera House over Easter and we really enjoyed it. Sadly Jacob couldn't make it as he had chicken pox but myself and my two girls went and had a great time, my 4-year-old Sophia was mesmerised and had a brilliant time.
8.) Primary School Place
My youngest Jacob got offered a school place for September at our local primary school. It feels so strange accepting a primary school place for him as he is still only three and won't be four until just two weeks before he starts school. It will be so strange not having a child at home during the day after being a stay at home mum for the past five years.
9.) Football
Sophia has started girls football lessons recently with SSE wildcats and she absolutely loves it! I never thought it would be something she would be interested in but she really enjoys it and a few of her school friends and her cousin also go too. I am glad we have found she enjoys doing and that interests her.
10.) Warmer Weather
I am so pleased that it is starting to get warmer after the snow and freezing temperatures that we saw in March. It is nice to let the kids back in the garden again and to get out and about more as a family.
So those are some of the things that I have loved this month, April was a much better month than March for us. What did you love in April?
All sounds fab - I can't wait to read your holiday posts x
ReplyDeleteSo jealous you are going soon, we really liked it xx