Wednesday, 25 April 2018

L.O.L Surprise! Pearl Surprise Review

My little girl Sophia is almost 5 years old and she is L.O.L crazy! All the little girls in her class seem to be collecting them and Sophia is no different, she already has a sister doll, baby sister and a pet and she is eager to build up her collection and has asked for some for her upcoming birthday. So when we were recently sent a limited edition L.O.L Pearl Surprise to review it was like her birthday had come early! As soon as she seen the L.O.L Pearl she picked it up and hugged it - cute!

L.O.L Pearl Surprise box

The L.O.L Pearl Surprise is a lot bigger than the regular L.O.L Surprises, it comes in a turquoise case and when you open it up there is six mini pearls to open and a big seashell in the centre. Sophia was super excited to open up the little pearls, inside each one she found cute accessories for her L.O.L dolls such as shoes and clothing items.

Contents of L.O.L Pearl Surprise

Then it was time to see what was inside the giant seashell, it looks like a bath bomb but you can't actually use it in the bath. Instead you fill the turquoise shell case that the L.O.L Surprise comes in with water and then balance it back of the casing (the instructions show you what to do). You then place the giant pink and yellow seashell into the water and it starts fizzing and dissolving, much to Sophia's delight.

L.O.L Pearl Surprise fizz bomb in water

Sophia has watched lots of You tube videos of people un-boxing these so she knew what to expect but she was still really excited watching it dissolve. Once the seashell had dissolved completely it revealed another plastic seashell, which we ran under some cold water to rinse. It was then time for Sophia to open the seashell up.

L.O.L bathbomb fizzing in bowl of water

Inside the seashell was a sister and a matching baby sister plus a drink bottle, she wasted no time dressing up her L.O.L dolls with the accessories out of the pearls. We also cleaned the big turquoise pearl out and filled it with fresh water and put the L.O.L sister in to see her change colour in water and reveal a bikini.

L.O.L Pearl Surprise sister doll and baby sister doll and drink bottle

The L.O.L Pearl Surprise retails at £29.99 and personally after seeing how much my daughter enjoyed opening and playing with these dolls I do think they are worth the money. She has played with the dolls non-stop and the look on her face when she opened it was priceless. We had actually bought her a one of these for her upcoming birthday from Smyths before we knew that we were getting this one to review, luckily we got a purple one so hopefully it will be different dolls inside.

L.O.L doll changing colour in bowl of water

If you have a L.O.L fan then I am sure they will love this Pearl Surprise as much as my little girl does. We made a little unboxing video which you can watch below. 

Do your children like L.O.L dolls? 

Disclosure We were sent this toy for the purpose of this review, however all opinions are my own. 


  1. Max had one of these for his birthday, he loved it! x

    1. Great aren't they, my son loved watching them fizz x

  2. What a fab review. We also have LOL fan here too and her birthday is fast approaching. I will definitely be purchasing one of these after reading this post. Thank you xx

  3. Thank you, my little girl loved it xx


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