It feels like such a long time since I have sat down and written about the month gone by and I can't believe I am writing about 2018, time goes by so quick when you're a grown-up. January was a pretty boring month, not a lot happened for us, we spent a lot of time at home, the weather was awful and I have even been a bit quiet on this blog lately as I have been too busy binge-watching Netflix and scouring Pinterest for wedding ideas (it's lethal as it makes me change my mind about everything!).
January is normally a time full of change and new year resolutions and I feel like the month just passed us by with no changes, hopefully, Febuary will be a bit more exciting for us.
Personal Life
As January is the time for resolutions I decided to re-join Slimming World this month as I need to lose weight for my wedding next year, fingers crossed I stick with it this time. Talking of weddings it seems pretty crazy to think I am getting married next year, I keep thinking its ages away but its only 17 months away! We have not really organised anything wedding wise this month, I have an idea of the kind of day we want but we haven't booked any suppliers yet so I really need to book them this month as it is crazy how fast things get booked up.
We have not had any family days out this month, we have attended lots of children's parties though as the little two have been at parties every weekend this month. They have enjoyed lots of time at home playing with their new Christmas toys, baking and watching films which has been really nice and relaxing. I feel like I never see my eldest as she is always out at her friends and has been enjoying lie-ins until lunchtime on the weekends.
We have not even had our monthly date night this month as all of our spare money is taking up with saving for the wedding, saving for our holiday this spring and getting work done to the house. Sometimes I think we are a bit crazy planning a wedding whilst we are in the middle of renovating our whole house but I think it will all be worth it in the end.
Blog Life
January is always a bit quite blog-wise, I have been lucky this year that I have been working on some great campaigns so I am doing ok in that respect. However everything else has been really quite, I also decided that I was launching a wedding blog this year and underestimated how much work that would be.
I have been busy working with Talk to Mums the past few weeks on a campaign with Juice Burst drinks which has been really good. My teenage daughter and her friends absolutely love these drinks and I was happy to see they had no added sugar, contain one of your five a day, no added nonsense and they are even vegan-friendly too. They also come in a handy multipack of six at Tesco so they are great for lunchboxes and so much better than the fizzy and sugar-laden drinks she often buys on her way to school. Have you tried them yet?
So that is what we have been up to in January, how was your month?
Disclosure I was working with Talk to Mums handing out samples of Juice Burst drinks.
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