Thursday, 15 February 2018

Tonka Toys Review

My little boy Jacob is three and he is a typical little boy who is really into any kind of vehicles, he loves trucks, diggers and tractors and he will spend ages playing with his toy cars and trains. So when we were recently sent a box full of iconic Tonka toys which are available to buy from Asda, I knew these would be a big hit with him. 

Tonka is a name that I am sure we are all familiar with, the company originated in Minnesota USA back in 1947 and have been selling metal toys for almost 70 years. Tonka toys are built on the notion that 'a toy shouldn't break just because a child plays with it', they are built to be strong, sturdy and long-lasting. Making them perfect for boisterous little children like my own to play with. Tonka has recently started selling toys in selected Asda stores and to celebrate we were sent a box of toys to test out and see what Jacob thought of them. 

Tonka Toy review newcastle family life blog

We were sent 

Tonka Diecast Big Rigs £6.99. This die-cast truck looks so realistic and Jacob loves playing with it, he loves trucks. It has been played with a lot over the past week and it has been thrown, pushed and bashed into walls during playtime and it is still in perfect condition. 

Tonka diecast big rigs yellow truck in box

Tonka Diecast Monster Truck £6.99 Another Die-cast vehicle that children will love playing with, monster trucks always look so impressive. Again this truck has been bashed and played with and is still in perfect condition. 

Tonka yellow monster truck in packet

Tonka Tinys Mini Playset £9.99 We were sent the Car Crush Escape Playset, they also have a Blast and Dash Quarry one too. This is a small playset with little tiny plastic vehicles, it has little features like a bridge, a crane and a crusher. 

Tonka Tiny car crush playset being played with

Tonka Tinys Three Pack £4.99. If your child loves surprise type toys they will love this, my children love blind bags (I'm blaming youtube) so Jacob was so excited to get this. It is a three pack of tiny plastic Tonkas and one of the three is a mystery vehicle. We got a dumper truck, recovery vehicle and the surprise was a black truck. These are ideal for playing with the mini playsets with. 

3 packet of Tonka Tiny Trucks in Packet

Tonka Tinys Blind Garages £1.99 each. We were sent two of these little garages and inside each one is a surprise Tonka Tinys. We got a helicopter and a snow plough inside and again these are perfect for using with the Tonka Tinys Playsets and they also make great pocket money toys. 

Tonka Tinys Blind Garage

Jacob and his 4-year-old sister have both loved playing with these toys and the Tonka Tinys Blind bags were huge hits. Both my children watch people opening blind bags on Youtube and they are obsessed with blind bags and collectables, we have found that most of them are aimed at girls though and there is not many for boys, so I think these will be popular. All of the toys are really affordable too, the blind garages make great pocket money toys and the other items would make great gifts.

Tonka Lorry and Tiny playset

You can buy the Tonka toy range from selected Asda stores priced from £1.99 - £9.99. 

You can watch a little unboxing video we made below. 

Disclosure I was sent these toys for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own.  


  1. Tonka toys are so brilliant - they are really robust we still have some here.

    1. They really do seem very robust and have withstood my sons rough play x

  2. Oo I've not heard of Tonka Toys before, but my daughter loves diggers/trucks so would be a big fan of these :)

  3. These are just the kind of toys that my friends son would like as he loves trucks and cars x

  4. Oh I love that. Most of the blind bags seem to be aimed at girls so it’s nice to see some boy ones :)

    1. It really is nice to see some boy blind bags as my son often feels left out when his sister gets them x

  5. Big fans of Tonka here, you can't beat them can you? We still have Tonka toys from my eldest (14) that our youngest plays with!

  6. It's a shame Tonka toys aren't built like they used to be. My brother was a big fan of them back in the 80s, and they were huge solid metal toys. Now they appear to be plastic, but delighted to see they still capture the imagination of young children.

    1. The small ones are plastic but the bigger ones are still metal xx

  7. I’ve heard of Tonka trucks but didn’t realise they did toys. They are very reasonably priced

    1. They are a great price, great for pocket money toys x

  8. I think someone is REALLY happy with their new TONKA toys. I do remember Tonka toys being Metal and they used to last for YEARS. How times have changed.

    John M

  9. My boys are complete motorheads and love anything truck or car related. They would love these!

    1. My son is the same, he loves anything with wheels (or wings) x

  10. I remember my brother having a massive tonka truck about 28 years ago. Great to see the company is still going

    1. I think my brother probably did too as he was car and truck crazy as a kid x


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