Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Mummy To The Max

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am featuring Helen who blogs at Mummy To The Max. Helen blogs about family life, reviews and her life in the New Forest. So let's find out more about the family behind Mummy To The Max. 

Mummy To The Max

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

I am Helen and I am 25, I am a "Digital Mum" as well as a blogger. I live with my partner and our son, Maxwell who is five. 

2.) Where do you live?

We are fortunate enough to live in the New Forest - on the South Coast, near Southampton. 

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

We love going for walks in the forest and we also love going to the beach. We are never stuck for places to visit as we have so much open space to explore. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you?

If we were able to live anywhere, I think we would move to Weymouth. We love the area we live in and Weymouth is not from us. We love the sea and the open space in Weymouth. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up?

I have always lived in the New Forest and as it stands, I would not like to move from the area. My favourite childhood memories are going away on our family yacht and caravanning in our family caravan. Every weekend was fun packed! 

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead?

At the age of 25, I have just learnt to drive! Now I can drive I am excited to explore more of the area that we live in. I am looking forward to seeing my son grow in year 1 of school and I am looking forward to lots of family time - especially around Christmas. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life?

I love that we get to spend good quality time together each week. I love that although we are a young family we are quite close and are always there for one another. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions, Helen, it sounds amazing living in the New Forest; it is somewhere I have always wanted to visit myself. Well done on passing your driving test, I really need to start learning to drive myself as I am always stuck at home when my partner is at work. I hope Maxwell enjoys year one and that you all have a magical Christmas together. 

If you would like to find out more about Helen and her family visit her blog

Or follow her on social media 

Twitter MummyToTheMax
Instagram mummytothemax
Pinterest  hd076584

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring Baby Foote if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives just send me an email at

buzzoole code



  1. What a lovely idea to share others blogs. I have to say I'd love to go to the New Forrest, despite it not actually being that far away (relatively) I've never been!!

    1. I would love to go too, oh if you live not far away you really should visit xx

  2. I absolutely love the New Forest & taking my daughter for walks there to see the horses :) x

  3. Congratulations on passing your driving test, it was one of the best things I ever did.

  4. It's a lovely part of the world, I'd love to live near the sea.

  5. Well done on learning to drive! Ooh a digital mum, I'm looking at doing this it looks amazing and I love the new forest!

    1. I have been looking into it, so it is interesting seeing what people think of it x

  6. Congratulations on passing your test, I'm currently learning too! We use to live in Great Yarmouth , really miss the beach x

  7. I love the New Forest how amazing to have always lived there and what a wonderful base for family life!

    1. I keep hearing how lovely it is, I really hope I get to visit someday x

  8. Great idea for a series. A good way to discover new blogs.

  9. Lovely interview. Plan to get my driving sorted by next year. Need to learn too.

    1. I am the same, really need to learn now the children are getting bigger and I need take them places. I hope you manage to learn too x

  10. How exciting she can drive! I am about to do the same soon! Love her little one. He is so cute!

  11. What a lovely interview. Congratulations on passing your test! Happy travelling :) x

  12. well done on learning to drive, its something i keep meaning to redo!

    1. Me too, I think once my wedding is paid off I will learn x

  13. Congratulations on just learning to drive, it will give you such freedom! I have driven through the New Forest but never explored it properly :(

  14. I've never been to the New Forest, but it sounds like a great place to be.

  15. This is such an interesting series. I've never been to the New Forest, but I would really love to visit.

  16. How lovely to live somewhere idyllic like the New Forest. I am itching to move to Dorset to get away from city life.

    1. The New Forest and Dorset both like lovely place, I think I need to visit both someday x

  17. So lovely finding out more about other bloggers. I've never been to the New Forest


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