Monday 17 July 2017

Designing A Dream Pet With Petplan

My four-year-old daughter Sophia is a huge animal lover, she loves to visit farms and zoos and thinks every animal is cute, especially the smaller animals. Ever since she visited a farm at Easter and got to pet a mouse she has been desperate for a one of her own and asks every day if she can get one. As we have a pet cat, Marmalade, I don't think getting a pet mouse is a very good idea right now. 

This doesn't stop Sophia dreaming about her much wanted pet mouse though, she has picked a name for her dream mouse, Minnie - obviously! And as Sophia is only four she truly believes that she can get a purple and pink mouse (her favourite colours) and that it will be her very best friend. 

So when Petplan's pet insurance got in touch and asked if Sophia would like to create her own dream pet and get it transformed into a cuddly toy I knew this would make all her dreams come true. As cuddly toys are one of her other loves in life, she takes a whole collection of them to bed with her each night. 

Sophia has only recently turned four and she is still at the stage where her drawings are very scribbled like, luckily she had her teenage sister Chloe on hand to create her masterpiece for her. Both my girls love being creative so it was nice to watch them actually spending time together doing something together. Sophia told her sister exactly what she wanted her dream pet to look like and Chloe got to work creating it for her.

Designing a dream pet with petplan

She decided that she wanted a mouse called Minnie, with a white body and purple spots, pink feet and a pink heart nose and a big long golden tail. Minnie also had sparkly blue eyes and a smile on her face and was super cuddly and soft. 

A few weeks later a package arrived in the post for Sophia and her little face lit up when she opened it up and discovered her drawing, of her dream pet Minnie had been turned into a cuddly toy for her.

Designing a dream pet with Petplan

She hugged her close as soon as she set eyes on her and then went to get her a block of wooden cheese out of her toy kitchen to eat (too cute). Minnie, the mouse has been to the park with us, had tea parties, spent time in the garden and spends every night at the end of Sophia's bed. 

Getting her drawing turned into a toy was so special as it was a chance for her imagination to come to life, like never before.

What would your child's dream pet look like?

Disclosure This post has been possible thanks to Petplan, but all thoughts are my own. 



  1. Oh how adorable. I love the heart for a nose!

    1. It is so cute, will be lovely to keep and show her the drawing when she is older too x

  2. Aww what a lucky little lady :) I love the fact that the mouse is spotty!

    1. I know I would have loved doing this as a child x

  3. oh wow this is amazing! I'm sure my eldest two would adore being able to create their own pet! I suspect they'd opt for a Monkey and Lion creation each

    1. A monkey and Lion would be fab and make great dream pets x

  4. That is just the cutest thing! How lovely to see her design come to life like that, I bet she will treasure it for many years to come

    1. It is so lovely seeing her drawing come to life, she loves it x

  5. That's lovely, and safe from Marmalade too! We would end up with a dinosaur!
    (Hubby helping out)

    1. We would probably end up with a dinosaur or monster if my son designed it x

  6. So cute! A lovely idea, and purple is my favourite colour...

  7. Haha I think Marmalade the kitty would love a real mouse but I don't think the mouse would lol. The petplan mouse is so cute x

  8. I love this idea from Petplan, it's such a lovely way to help children understand the importance of caring for their pets.

  9. Awww how cute is seeing your design come to life, I better she was and still happy with her design pet

    1. She really was so happy and loves her new mouse x


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