Saturday, 15 July 2017

Clean & Fresh Laundry With New Persil Powergems

Like most Mum's laundry in my house is never-ending. I must spend hours each week sorting, washing, drying, ironing and putting away clothing, bedding and towels. As a family of five, the washing machine is on multiple times per day as I have the girl's school uniforms to wash, the other half's work uniforms, so many white washes, dark washes and coloured washes - as we have two messy pre-schoolers and a teen. I also wash towels, bedding, tea towels, football strips and swim wear. The list is never ending. 

So when I was asked to try out the revolutionary new Persil Powergems that helps get rid of stains, care for your laundry and leaves it smelling fresh I was intrigued. As a family we have always used Persil laundry detergent, my parents used it when I was a child and when I had my own children I carried on using it, as it is gentle on my daughter's sensitive skin. Persil is a brand that I have grown up with, used for many years and trust so I was keen to see how the new Powergems compared to my usual Persil non-bio powder.

Persil Powergems

So what are Persil Powergems?

"These magical gems contain 100% active ingredients and disperse in your drum throughout the entire wash cycle, providing Persil's ultimate washing experience."

Persil Powergems contain two and a half times more stain removal power to tackle tough stains like mud, jam and make-up. They are also designed to care for your laundry helping keep bright clothes bright and darks dark for longer. They also leave clothes feeling and smelling so clean and fresh, the fresh smell really seems to last and I have had a few people stop and ask me what laundry detergent I had used, as they noticed and liked the smell.

new persil powergems

Persil Powergems come in a compact container and they look rather like confetti (yes I have wedding's on my mind lately) and they smell so clean and fresh. To use you simply fill the outer measuring lid with the required amount of powergems and place the lid upright on top of your laundry inside the drum of your washer. There is also a whiter inner lid which you squeeze and twist to open, making the container more secure to store. You don't need to add anything else to your wash, just add the powergems and start your wash of as normal. The powergems will then dissolve in your wash and leave your clothes clean and smelling amazing.

washing in drum with persil

I have used the Persil Powergems for the last few days and every item of clothing that we have washed has come out the wash really clean. My daughter is always coming home from nursery school covered in paint and mud but her uniform has been coming out the wash smelling and looking so clean since using these, even when washing on a quick 40 wash.

You can buy Persil Powergems in either bio or non-bio variants and they come in 12,19 and 30 wash sizes. They are available to buy in stores now and I was so impressed with them that we will certainly be buying them again. You can find out more information on the Persil website.

Disclosure This is a collaborative post, however, all views are my own.  



  1. These look great, Persil are such a super brand and clothes always come out really clean with Persil

    1. They smell amazing with these, such a clever idea x

  2. Oooh this looks different! Isn't the laundry such a drudge? And it seems to get harder, not easier as they get older and do even more 'stuff' with their lives. I will try this.

    1. I seem to spend so long on laundry, it is never ending. Let me know what you think if you try them x

  3. I don't know where all the washing comes from, it's like it multiplies. Except the socks of course, they seem to disappear one at a time! I need to try these.

    1. I hate socks, my son has so many odd ones I don't know where they disappear too x

  4. These look interesting. I am a persil user so will give these a go

  5. I have always used Persil non bio so I will look out for these!

  6. I also use persil, so great to hear avout their new prouducts.

    1. Oh you will have to try these they make the laundry smell extra nice x

  7. These look interesting, will have to check them out!

  8. Love love love these little gems too! Just added a link to your post on my post about Persil Powergems

  9. I've just recently started using these and I must say I'm quite impressed! they are easy to use with no mess and smell so gorgeous that I've felt no need to use my fabric conditioner, they get the clothes really clean and even managed to remove dried on self tan marks from my favourite white top

    1. I am really impressed to, the smell is amazing and so much fresher then regular powder. That is fab about the fake tan too x


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