Friday, 27 March 2015

What I Have Learnt In A Year Of Blogging

Last week marked one whole year since I started this blog and I wrote a post about my first year of blogging and what an amazing year it had been both blog and personal wise for me. I still class myself as a new blogger and I still have so much to learn. But in this last year, I have learnt so much.

1.) Pick a name you love.

When setting up a blog spend time picking a name that you love and that will grow with your blog. I just picked the first name that I came up with and I wish now that I had of thought about it more and picked a better name, something more me. As it will be a lot of work and I will probably lose followers if I change my blog name now.

2.) Google is your friend.

If like me you are technophobic and have no idea what HTML and all that jazz is then set up a blog might seem a bit daunting at first. When I set mine up I googled everything as I had no idea what I was doing and I managed to set up a blog, install a theme on my blog and even buy and install my own domain name all thanks to google. Seriously anything blog related google will have the answer.

3.) Blog about what you love

It might seem obvious but blog about what you really love, if you love food blog about it. If you have read a great book, blog about it. I read a lot of blogs and you can always tell when someone has just blogged about something for the sake of it as the post is a bit bland. But when a blogger has blogged about something they love, well it shines through in the post and those are the posts that readers love.

4.) Social media is brilliant

If you want to get people to read your blog and you want to discover other blogs to read and make some blogging buddies then you need to get on social media. I find Twitter the best place to meet bloggers and it is also where I have had most of my blogging opportunities from. I have accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, but Twitter is where I spend most of my time.

5.) Have clear social media buttons on your blog

When I take part in linkies I often discover some wonderful blogs and I want to follow them on social media or boglovin and so many have no social media or bloglovin follow buttons. Mine is the top right on my blog's homepage where they are easy to find. If you are reading this and don't have any social media buttons please add them. It is really easy to do and if you are unsure remember google is your friend and will show you how.

6.) Be Yourself

Don't try and be anyone else, always stay true to you. People read your blog because they like your style of writing, your content and voice and they want to read what you have to say not what you think they want you to say. Don't try and be like someone else just be yourself and write what you love and you will soon get readers who keep on returning to your blog.

7.) Blogging is amazing

I have had some truly amazing opportunities via blogging which is brilliant, I have reviewed great products and discovered new brands. I recorded my whole pregnancy with my son and I have attended events and made friends. It has given me confidence, pushed me out of my comfort zone, it has given me a voice, a place to call my own. It's my "me time" its something I have created and built up all on my own. It has taught me things, it has stopped me being bored and helped me use my brain, it has inspired me and ignited my love of writing and reading. It has changed my life for the better and I don't think I ever want to stop blogging now.

8.) Your blog your rules

Remember it is your blog, you make the rules. If you want to post every day then do it. Likewise, if you only want to blog once a month that's fine too. Blog about whatever you like, don't follow what everyone else is doing. If someone asks you to review a product you know won't fit with your blog then it is ok to say no, and I have only just started realising this myself. 

9.) I wish I had started sooner.

I love blogging and I only wish that I had started a one sooner. It has opened up a whole new world for me, I have made friends, I have earned money and reviewed some great products. It has given me confidence and most importantly it is something I enjoy. If you are reading this and thinking of starting your own blog, then just do it. Yes it can be hard work and you will have so much to learn to start with, but once you get going you will see how amazing it is and you will not regret it and it might just be one of the best things that you have ever done. 

10.) Have fun

Blogging is meant to be fun, it's my hobby and enjoyable. The moment it stops becoming fun and becomes a chore then I know that it is time to either a.) take a blogging break or b.) stop blogging. And I hope that it always remains fun and enjoyable for me. 

So that is what I have learnt in a year of blogging, what have you learnt about blogging since you started? 




  1. Yep! I have thought that about my blog name too....What happens if I move out of Northumberland! Eek! lol
    Blogging is amazing and I wish I had started years ago too....I would have had so much more to write about when my girls were little....Oh well.
    Congrats on the year blogging! x

    1. I love your blog name. I don't even live properly in Newcastle i live a few miles outside of it but the thought of changing my name just seems so much work and i also have no idea what i would actually change it too. I have so much to write about having two little ones, i rarely blog about my eldest as i don't think she would be too happy if i did. Thank you for the congratulations , it is crazy to think i have been blogging a whole year now. xx

  2. Great tips! I've only be blogging a couple of months, but find it all quite a lot to keep up with! Thanks for the advice! :) x

    1. I still feel like that one year in. I have now realised that there is noway you can keep it with social media and it is best to just dip in and out of it. And just blog whenever you feel like it, don't put any pressure on yourself . Good luck on your blogging journey i am sure it will be amazing xx

  3. I agree - blogging is a huge learning curve. I learn something new everyday but I guess that's half of the reason I love it ;-)

    1. I know i learn something new everyday and i have an ever grown list of things to do to my blog to improve it, it is just finding the time to do them. xx

  4. Good list and congrats on your year of blogging :) Agree with all of your points, particularly blog about what you love and have fun. Here's to another year! :)

    1. Thank's Dave, blogging about what you love and having fun are my most important points as my blog has grown i have blogged about stuff i wouldn't normally for reviews/ paid posts but now i have decided i am going to be very selective with what i accept and change my blog to the way i want it to be.

  5. Well done on blogging a year again, doesn't seem like that long does it! Couldn't agree more with number 3, I hate reading fake looking posts xx

    1. Thank you Emily, no it really does not seem like a year at all. This time last year i would of being pregnant like you as you are due around the same time i was with Jacob. I love reading your pregnancy updates as it reminds me of what it was like xx

  6. Great post! Happy first year of blogging! xx

    1. Thank you Alex , hopefully i will make it to a second year xx

  7. Happy blog birthday! Great lessons learned. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

    1. Thank you Aby, you are welcome thank you for hosting xx

  8. I wish i had of changed my blog name earlier on , some people tell me to keep it but i am still not sure and i have no idea what i would even change it too xx


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