Friday, 20 March 2015

Ten Signs You Have Two Children Under Two

As I have now been a mum to two little ones under two for the last seven months (there is only a 14 month age gap between my children), I have realised just how hard a job it can be having two young children so close in age. The last seven months have been hard, there have been tears, there has been day's I wondered how I would cope. But it has also been amazing as I have watched my children grow together and learn to love each other, they are now such good friends who adore each other. I hope they will have the bond I shared with my own brother growing up, as there is less than two years between myself and him also.

So here is a quick look at what it is like having two children under two. If you also have young children close in age I wonder if you can relate to any of these.

1.) Your washing basket is never empty. Even though the washer and tumble dryer are on non-stop every single day I still seem to have piles of washing to do. It is never ending with a weaning baby who needs changing a few times a day and a messy toddler.

2.) You change nappies so often you can now change them in the dark and still put them on perfectly. Seriously I must change at least fifteen to twenty nappies per day, sometimes more!

3.) You also have no spare money to treat yourself to trips to the hairdressers or pretty shoes as all your money now goes on nappies, baby milk and baby clothes. You won't have much money anyway as maternity pay back-to-back is pretty rubbish compared to your normal wages.

4.) Pushing a double buggy is hard work. Seriously they are so big and heavy compared to a normal buggy, especially once it is weighed down like a pack horse with a changing bag bursting to the seems with enough nappies and spare clothes for two children. Getting it in some shops and on public transport is just a nightmare.

5.) Everyone will say "oh you have your hands full" when they see you. Even random strangers in the street who you have never met before.

6.) When it comes to things like Christmas you will struggle to buy your youngest any presents, as their older sibling will have got all the decent baby toys the year before and there is nothing else to buy. So you end up buying them a few outfits and about one toy and then feel guilty even though they won't have a clue about what is happening anyway.

7.) Your toddler suddenly seems so big compared to the baby and you actually forget that they are still so little themselves.

8.) You have no spare time so your house is a mess, your eyebrows are overgrown and you haven't watched your favourite TV show for ages. As once your children are in bed you are just too damn tired to do anything and normally end up in bed by 8pm.

9.) You have not had a full nights sleep and a lie in for over two years, now you are actually used to no sleep and when you do get the rare chance of a lie in you are awake by 7.30am.

10.) Everyone will tell you to get out with your children but the idea of playgroup or soft play fills you with you dread.  Chasing a rampaging toddler whilst feeding a screaming baby is no fun, so you stop going and become a bit of a hermit. 

Now my baby is older things are so much easier and I am so glad that my little two are so close in age, as there is a ten-year gap between my oldest and middle child. If you have more then one child what else would you add to this list?



  1. I have two but there is over two years between the. I don't think I would have managed a small gap, but know what you mean about the toys!

    1. In some ways it has been easy having a small gap and in some ways it has been so hard. I kind of feel mean that the baby gets hardly anything spent on him compared to his sisters x

  2. Great post....I don't think the washing basket never being empty will ever change. lol My two are 7 & 12 and the amount of clothes they go through is x

    1. Oh no i was hoping there was going to be light at the end of the laundry tunnel and i may actually get to see the bottom of the basket lol. I bet it will probably get worse the older they get xx

  3. Sorry to jump on the bandwagon, but I don't know how you handle it. I have a four-year age gap between my two kids, otherwise I'd go crazy. Then again, in a few years when my kids don't want to play together yours will be the best of friends!

    1. I hope they will be best of friends knowing my luck they will want to kill each other lol. To be honest if i had of known how hard the first few months would of been i probably would have wanted a bigger gap between them , but now i am six months in its fine and not so hard x

  4. Yes to all of this! can relate totally! Having twins (now 2.5yrs) has been plain tough!!!! The washing is relentless and the days just seem to be hard work to get through! However it's amazing having them so close in age and seeing them grow up together. Great post and made me laugh too :) Jess xx

    1. Thank you Jess, i bet having twins in the early days was hard going? it can be so hard at times can't it but at the same time it is amazing and i would not change a thing. I bet it is so nice having twins though x

  5. Awe this got me a bit misty eyed - and also made me laugh! It must be so full on, and the stuff about the toddler seeming big compared to the baby, but still actually being little... so true. My nephews are 14 months apart and though it was so full on in the earlier days, it definitely did pay off with them entertaining each other and being friends like you say (they also used to gang up on us adults quite a lot in the naughty stakes...) #thelist

    1. Thank you, it really is full on and somedays i seem to never stop or get two minutes to myself. I am hoping they can become friends though and i have no doubt they will gang up on me and there dad in a few years time x

  6. hahaha! I "only" have one 3 year old and my washing basket is still over flowing, my house is a mess and I cant even remember what my favourite TV program even is.

    1. At least i am not the only one i feel bad about my washing pile and messy house x

  7. I can relate to that very much! We've got a 18-month age gap and the first year is pretty tough! Having said that my daughter is now nearly three and my son is 14 months and there are now new challenges. Double buggy is gone but washing is now worse than ever with one messy baby and a toilet training toddler! And yes, lots of old ladies saying I must have my hands full ;-) xx

    1. It is nice to know that i am not the only one! I have found the first six months tough but things are certainly getting easier now and it is so nice when i see them playing together. Oh no don't say the washing pile gets worse my washing is never ending xx

  8. There is 18 months between my oldest 2, I used to get the "hands full" comment all the time when out with the double buggy!

    1. Everyone seems to say it don't they , total strangers come up to me and say it all the time x

  9. Respect lady - you described a lot of traits I demonstrate (overgrown eyebrows, messy house, never getting to the end of the washing, etc) however I only have 1 kid and he's over 2! You're doing an amazing job and just shove those "handful' ladies out the way next time - plead insanity or something ;) thanks for linking up to #TheList xxx

    1. Thank's Hannah, i found it harder with my first then i have with my second and third. I think i should start pleading insanity to get a break , infact i think i might start pleading it to my other half so that he does some housework and gives me a day off haha xx


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