Thursday 26 March 2015

An Afternoon Of Crafts With Hillarys Blinds

I was recently invited to an afternoon of crafts, or a crafternoon in other words with Hillary Blinds and organised by Joe blogs in Newcastle. I was not sure if I was going to attend or not as crafts really are not my thing, in fact, I am really bad at them. But I thought I would go along as I have never attended a blogger event before and it would be nice to actually meet some other bloggers in real life.

So on a cold and windy Saturday afternoon at the start of March off I set to the venue, The Jazz cafe which is near Central station in Newcastle. As I had been unsure where I was going, I arrived stupidly early and was the first one there feeling pretty sorry for myself as I had come down with tonsillitis the day before. I had no need to worry as the super lovely folk from Joe Blogs were on hand to chat to, seriously if anyone is invited to a Joe Blogs event then go, as they are so lovely and instantly put you at ease.

The room soon started filling up with lots of North East bloggers, most I am ashamed to say I did not know as they were mainly fashion and lifestyle bloggers and I only seem to follow parenting blogs. However, they were lovely and I was sat with a group of friendly chatty bloggers. And there was one blogger I recognised fellow parenting blogger Karen from Monkey feet Blog.

The event was part of  The Hillary's craft roadshow to celebrate the launch of the new blind fabrics, which they launch every few years. They had ladies from the crafty hen on hand to show us all how to make a fabric notebook cover with the Hillary blind fabrics which looked rather lovely, and I thought actually looked very quick and easy to create.

fabric notebook

First, we had to choose some fabric from the new blind range, fold it over the notebook we were provided with then decorate with ribbons and buttons and then stitch it together. However, I can not sew to save my life. If anything needs sewing I either send it to my dads to get fixed or I throw the item away and I can not even thread a needle. So the nice easy little task that most people finished pretty quickly, ended up taken me nearly the whole afternoon to finish. But I finished it, thanks to the ladies from the crafty hens who were on hand to assist us.

Then we were shown how to make a fabric bird. These looked very sweet but I could tell just from the crafty hen demonstration that this was way out of my capability, I got as far as cutting my bird shape out of the fabric and then time was up and our afternoon was over. Everyone else had lovely crafted birds and I had a fabric cut out.

bird fabric cut out

 I had a lovely afternoon, I met some lovely bloggers and had a few hours off from mummy duties which are always nice. Although my crafting skills are rather lacking. So thank you  Joe Blogs, The Crafty Hen and Hillary's blinds for arranging a lovely event. And after seeing all the lovely new blind fabrics I know where I will be going shopping for my blinds when I move house later in the year.

Group of North East bloggers


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