Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Already Halfway There 20 Week's Pregnant!

I am now 21 week's pregnant and I am now more than halfway through my pregnancy it really has flown over and I cant believe that in just 19 weeks time baby should be on its way and I will be a mam of three! 

I had my 20-week scan when I was exactly 20 week's pregnant. Everything was perfect with the baby, although we could not find out if it was pink or blue. It had its leg's crossed and it's hand and cord in the way also, it looks like baby wants to keep us guessing if it's pink or blue and surprise us when it is born.

After my scan, I had an appointment in the ante-natal clinic with my consultant as I have said before I am under consultant led care due to my blood pressure being high. The consultant said that everything seemed perfectly normal and as it should be and there were no concerns so they have just told me to carry on taking my blood pressure medication and aspirin and I can drop my weekly midwife appointments down to fortnightly appointments. Then I have to go back to the hospital at 28 weeks for another consultant appointment and another scan to check on baby's growth.

 I have still done no baby shopping at all apart from one baby grow from next, I haven't even been to look in any baby shops. We still can not decide on a name for baby either we have two boy names we like but we just can not agree on a girl name. 

How I am feeling this week

I am still feeling pretty good this week I still have a lot more energy and I have had no sickness. I have not really craved anything this week and I am not eating big meals but lots of snacks as I am constantly hungry but I get full so quickly. I have also been waking up during the night quiet a lot and then finding it really hard to get back to sleep again.

You can read my previous pregnancy updates here 


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