Saturday 12 April 2014

Pregnancy weeks 17.18 and 19

I have not done a pregnancy update for a few weeks now as they were all starting to sound a bit the same, as nothing much has been going on pregnancy wise. I am now 20 week's pregnant so I thought that I would do a update on what week's 17,18 and 19 were like all in one post. As you know I have to have weekly check-up's at the midwifes to check my blood pressure and urine, as my blood pressure has been high and I am on medication for it. I am also at increased risk of pre-eclampsia, as I had it in my first pregnancy and my mam had it with me. Each week my blood pressure has been fine so my medication is working. I also get to hear  baby's heart beat each week which is always lovely.

I have been feeling fantastic the last few week's, I have had no more morning sickness (thank you baby) my skin has been feeling super soft and my hair has been soft and shiny and I finally have a lovely 'pregnancy glow'. I am much more aware of baby's movements now and I am starting to feel it wriggle around a lot more which is amazing.

 It was also mothers day and the other half and the girls spoilt me with some lovely presents and took me out for a meal and I had a very rare and much needed day off from mam duties no cooking or cleaning was such a treat. They even got me a mothers day card off bump which was so sweet and thoughtful.

How I am feeling this week

 Absolutely none of my normal clothes fit me now and I am living in leggings I brought in a size bigger and a few stretchy tops I have, plus the two maternity tops I brought when I was pregnant with Sophia. I didn't put on much weight when pregnant with Sophia (7lb) and I had a small neat bump with her so I got away with just wearing my normal clothes and a few things in a size bigger, but this time I seem to be getting bigger all over. I keep saying that i am going to go maternity clothes shopping and I really must now that nothing is fitting me so I think that is my goal for next week to buy some proper maternity clothes.

bump at 18 week's

You can read about week 16 of my pregnancy here


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