Monday, 29 January 2018

Things I Loved In January 2018

As we are in the final few days of January I thought I would look back on the things that I have loved from the month gone by, a sort of happy list. January has been a pretty uneventful month if I am honest, we haven't really done very much, the weather has been terrible but we have still had a nice month. Here is what I have been loving this month.

Baking Mad Pirate cake and cupcakes

1.) Baking

I never really bake, the odd time I make something with the children it will be a shop bought packet of cupcake mix. However this weekend I baked an actual cake from scratch and it actually turned out ok. My Mum was always baking when I was younger and I used to love helping her,  I think I am going to make more of an effort to bake with my children now too. 

2.) The New Year

I am a big fan of New Years, they feel like a fresh start and it is always nice thinking of what the year ahead may have in store. We have lots of nice things planned for 2018 and I have high hopes that it will be a great year for us as a family.

3.) Slimming World

I am such a cliche and re-joined Slimming World (for about the 5th time) recently. Slimming World is the only 'diet' I stick to so I rejoined my local group. I really want to lose weight this year and I am determined to stick with it this time. I lost 5.5lbs in my first week and I am already enjoying eating healthier and I am feeling much better for it.

4.) Wedding Planning

I am getting married next June and we are going to try and get everything planned over the next few months. We have the venue, the registrar and a DJ booked so far, we have picked a colour scheme and decided on what kind of day we want. We just need to start booking everything now and I am so excited to start properly planning my dream day.

5.) Vera

I love watching Vera on ITV on a Sunday night. It is set here in the North East and I love seeing if I recognise the locations as we have seen them filming locally a few times. The North East really is such an unspoilt and beautiful part of the country, especially Northumberland. 

6.) The Alchemist Book

I recently picked up a copy of The Alchemist, a fable about following your dreams. I was hooked and read the whole book in an evening. I am not at all religious so a lot of the religious content went straight over my head but it was a lovely tale about self-belief and following your dreams. 

7.) Parties

The children have both attended so many parties this month. Every weekend we have been to at least one party for the past month. The children have a great time and it is also nice to get to know the other parents too. 

Sophia in carriage meeting Ray Quinn as Prince Charming Panto

8.) Meeting Panto Cast

We are huge fans of the panto at Whitley Bay Playhouse and we loved this year's production of Cinderella. Earlier this month we went to see the show for the second time and we got to meet the cast, my little girl loved sitting in Cinderellas carriage and meeting Marley the Shetland Pony. 

9.) Home Improvements

Just before Christmas, we had a new kitchen and bathroom fitted and it makes such a difference to the house. The old ones were really dark and dated and now everywhere looks a bit more modern and fresher with white tilling and walls. I still have some finishing touches to add then we can move onto decorating another room in the house. 

10.) Holiday Planning

In May we are going to Majorca and now Christmas is out the way we have started to look forward to it. We have renewed the passports, been looking for day trip ideas and we are really starting to look forward to it. It will be the little twos first holiday abroad and they are so excited, I am just looking forward to a week of family time and hopefully some sunshine. 

So those are the things that I have loved this month. What have been your January highlights?



  1. Sounds like a busy month. Parties every weekend would drive me insane! Haha. Not long until your holiday in Majorca. Where abouts in Majorca are you going? xx

    1. Haha I am glad we have this weekend with no parties! we are going to Santa Ponsa, I have no idea what it is like xx

  2. Well done on the weight loss! Holiday planning is such an exciting way to start the year :)

    1. Thank you Helen. Holiday planning really is a great way to start the year, its nice having something to look forward to x

  3. Gosh there seems to have been loads going on in January. May all your plans run smoothly. #likedandloved

  4. It sounds like you've had a brilliant month - planning a wedding is so exciting (if a bit stressful!) - I loved planning mine :) #LikedandLoved

    1. It really is so stressful already! I had no idea that it would be this much hard work x

  5. Yay for holidays and wedding planning! It sounds like you had a pretty amazing month lovely, thanks for linking to #LikedandLoved

    Stevie xx

    1. Your welcome, so looking forward to a holiday as the wedding planning is stressful lol x


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