Sunday, 26 February 2017

Thing's I Have Loved February 2017

Can you believe that February is almost over and in a few days time it will be March and springtime? Crazy how fast this year is whizzing by already. Anyway last year I often wrote about ten things that I had loved from the month gone by, a sort of happy list of good things that had happened that month. I never got round to writing about what I had loved about January so here is a look at some of the things that I have loved from February 2017. 

cirque du soleil

1.) Cirque Du Soleil

This month I was lucky enough to receive press tickets to go and see legendary show Cirque Du Soleil when it was on tour in Newcastle. I have always wanted to see Cirque Du Soleil and I was so excited to finally be able to go and see it. I took my teenage daughter along with me and we were both wowed with some of the acts and stunts that they performed, it really was like nothing I have ever seen before. 

2.) Booking A Mini Break

We were really hoping to get abroad this year but all of our spare cash is going on house renovations at the moment. We decided to book a little UK mini break away with the children for this summer instead, so that we have something to look forward to. It will be nice to get away for a few nights and spend some quality time together, fingers crossed the weather stays nice! 

3.) Half Term

This week it has been half term and it has been lovely having all three children at home all week. This week has not been the best as I have been unwell for most of the week, the other half has been working and I lost Jacob when we were out shopping (he ran off) so we have not had any family days out. We have spent lots of time at home watching films, baking and just spending time together though which has been much needed and so lovely. 

4.) Date Day

main meal at dobson and parnell

Like most parents with young children, myself and the other half don't get a lot of time to do stuff together. Once a month we try and make the effort to go out and have a 'date day', we normally go for a nice meal and enjoy a few hours childfree whilst grandma is on babysitting duty. This month we tried out newly opened Dobson and Parnell at the quayside which was wonderful and somewhere that I will certainly be returning too. If you are local you really should check out their lunch menu as it is amazing value. 

5.) Harry Potter Books

I am so late to the Harry Potter party as I only watched the films for the first time at Christmas. My teen and other half are huge HP fans and have always nagged me to watch the films and read the books but I always thought it was just for kids. I was wrong. I started reading the books earlier this month and I was hooked straight away and could not put them down, I read every book this month and loved them all. 

6.) Big Brother

I love a bit of reality TV and one of my favourites has to be good old celebrity Big Brother. I was rather unimpressed when I found out who the housemates would be this year but I ended up loving this series and watched every episode. I was a bit gutted Colleen won as I personally found her rather boring and a bit mean, I can't believe I am saying this but Jedward so should have won. I am totally a Jedward fan now, they are still rubbish singers, though.

7.) Cooking Tapas

tapas prawns

I was invited to the launch of Tapas Revolution in Newcastle for a cooking masterclass with owner and celebrity chef Omar Allibhoy. I am not really a fan of Tapas as I don't like seafood, chorizo, olives and basically most Tapas foods. However I really enjoyed this event, we learnt to cook Tapas and I actually really liked some of the dishes we made, especially the prawns. Definitely going to be returning and trying out a tapas meal in the near future. 

8.) Slimming World

I rejoined Slimming World this month (for the millionth time shhh) My weight does get me down and the only way I can lose weight is by attending a Slimming World group. I have enjoyed being back on plan and cooking healthy meals again and I am determined that this time I am going to stick it out, even when I have bad weeks. I am also planning on setting up a new blog about my Slimming World journey (I sound so cheesy saying that) which I am excited about. 

9.) Trolls

My three-year-old Sophia is crazy about Trolls, not the nasty kind you find online but the film kind. She went to see the film at the cinema and loved it so when it came out on DVD recently we got her it and she loves it. The first day she got it she even took the DVD to bed with her and was cuddling it, she watches it daily and it is such a happy feel good film that the whole family is enjoying. 

10.) Making House Homely

This month we have brought lots of things for the house to make it more homely. As we moved just before Christmas we have not really had the chance to do anything to the house, until now. This month we had a new shower fitted as we did not have a one and it is so nice being able to have a shower again. We also had new blinds fitted throughout the house as we just had curtains up before and people could see in. We have brought lots of little things too like rugs for the lounge, new bathroom accessories and pans. Hopefully, we will be getting a new stair carpet next month and the bathroom tiled. You can tell I am getting old as household things excite me more than spending money on myself!

So those are some of the things that I have been loving in February, what has been the highlights of the month for you?

A Cornish Mum


  1. I am completely with you on the housey stuff. I can't wait until our house is finished - and then we might be able to book a holiday too! We are big Trolls fans as well :) x

    1. Your new kitchen is looking amazing, Can't wait to see it all finished. xx

  2. Haha, love that you think Jedward should have won big brother! I didn't watch the series, but have always had a strange soft spot for Jedward, because I think they've always just been completely themselves, as odd as they are! x #Likedandloved

    1. They really just don't care what anyone think's of them do they xx

  3. We just moved house too and I am loving making it feel like a home. I spend hours browsing home interiors. We love the Trolls too x

    1. Me too, I have spent hours online looking at new things for the house or wallpapers. Your new house looks gorgeous from the photos I have seen, we have a lot of work to do to our house as it is very old fashioned and not to my taste xx

  4. I love getting new home bits, we've been non stop DIY in recent months eek so it's been nice to actually start buying finishing bits for some of the rooms now :) Glad you've had a mostly good month lovely and Cirque Du Soleil must have been amazing!

    Stevie x

    1. I bet your house looks great when it is all finished though. Cirque Du Soleil really was good xx

  5. I've always wanted to see Cirque du Soleil - it sounds amazing! We moved house last August and there's still so much stuff to do. It's going to take a while before we can afford it all though! It sounds like you've had a fun-filled month, and good luck with Slimming World :) #LikedandLoved

    1. It really was good, I hope you get to see it sometime soon. I think it is going to take us a lot of time and money to do our house too, everything is so expensive. xx


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