Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Motherhood The Real Deal

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives this week I am featuring the lovely Talya from Motherhood The Real Deal. Tayla blogs about a huge range of subjects that most parents will relate too as she always writes so honestly. So let's find out more about the family behind Motherhood The Real Deal. 

Blogger Motherhood The Real Deal

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

We are a little family of three - me and my partner, and my whirlwind of a three-year-old daughter. She was born while we were living and working out in Asia, then we relocated back to the UK when she was one (quite an upheaval!). I had to go back to work when she was three months old, which was excruciating! I have since been a full time at home mum and part time working mum - the latter of which seems to keep everyone the happiest. 

2.) Where do you live? 

In the leafy burbs of West London. We are really blessed to have the River Thames, some incredible parks and Hampton Court Palace on our doorstep. It's a brilliant place for being outdoorsy which is crucial because my daughter seems to have boundless amounts of energy!

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live?

We love spending time down by the river - whether it's walking, cycling, feeding the ducks and amazingly the other day my three-year-old even managed to blag her way onto someone's kayak for a little jaunt on the river! My partner's office is also down by the river and they have a brilliant little vintage airstream cafe there where we often hang out for an ice cream. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you? 

I was born in Brighton but my parents moved away when I was one which I always regretted. I love the sea and would love to live by the coast ... probably somewhere just outside Brighton. Having lived overseas I wouldn't rule out the option of doing it again because it is an incredible experience.

5.) did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

Yes having sworn I would never return to the place I grew up in, I am really not very far from it and now I have a much better outlook on it. Having died to get out of there, I really now appreciate it for all the wonderful things it is now. Far enough outside of London for it not to be too hectic but close enough to be able to venture in for a bit of crazy and within easy access to so many beautiful river and countryside spots too. 

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead?

My little one started nursery in September so we try and spend quality time with her. Although three can be a challenging age it is so amazing in so many ways, we really just want to soak her up as much as we can (we don't plan to have any more kids for various reasons).

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

Although the craziness of it does drive me mad sometimes, I just love the randomness of it - so many belly laugh moments and I think it makes you a lot more adventurous as I find we ae constantly busy hunting out brilliant things to do and spots to discover ... I would probably just be lazing around in bed otherwise (well, at least that's what I dream of lol).

Thank you so much for taking part Talya it was lovely reading about your family life in West London, there seems to be so much to do nearby. Your three-year-old daughter sounds like such a little character, love that she managed to get a ride on someone's kayak! I too have a three-year-old daughter and it is such a wonderful age that I am enjoying so much. 

If you want to find out more about Talya and her family visit her blog

Or visit her on social media 

Twitter motherhoodreal
Instagram motherhoodrealdeal

Don't forget to check out last week's post featuring Pondering Parenthood if you missed it. 



  1. I would love to visit Brighton but not sure I could live in London

  2. It sounds like Talya lives in a lovely location. I've always wanted to live near water, be it a river or the sea but haven't managed it yet. And it was lovely to hear about her enjoying living abroad while she did as we're about to move countries so that's encouraging!

  3. Always lovely to read about Bloggers real lives. A little insight is so human.

  4. I love reading about other bloggers as you tend to find out more than they share on their own blogs - it was lovely reading this weeks and a little jealous that Tayla lives in London! xx

    1. That is the exact reason that I love reading these kind of interview posts too xx

  5. Yay thanks so much for featuring me. Great to be part of this series!

    1. You are most welcome, thank you so much for taking part it was lovely to have you xx

  6. Not only were you born in Brighton but you live near Hampton Court? I am so jealous, especially as I am obsessed with history and Tudor history in particular x

  7. I would absolutely love to live by the sea. Living in London I am obviously nowhere near to it x

  8. Such a fab read, I am so nosey! I love it! I would love to live by the sea too. Family life is so lovely crazy random and i love it too!

  9. Three is a challenging year indeed. Mine are 3 years and they drive me nuts half the day.

  10. Just been checking out Talya's blog and it's really engaging. These sorts of posts are great - I think every like likes a human interest story!

  11. A lovely interview, it's always nice to have an insight into other bloggers lives.

  12. Lovely post. I have always drempt of living in London. So many things to see and do :)

  13. Lovely to find out more behind the blog. We live close to the sea but to have a seaview from my home is a dream

  14. I'm a big fan of Tayla's blog, so this was a great read. Life seems to have changed a lot for her since having a child

  15. Great interview. Know a lot about Talya now. Nice.

  16. Fab interview! Talya is lovely. It's nice to have a nosey behind the blog :) x


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