Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Welcoming Elf On The Shelf

This time last year I heard lots of people mentioning Elf on the shelf and photos and blog posts popped up all over the Internet with what each families scout elf were up to. I had no idea what Elf on the shelf was so I was intrigued to see what it was all about. 

I soon learnt that the Elf on the shelf is sent from Father Christmas on the 1st December to live with a family in the run-up to Christmas day. Each night the elf will fly back to the north pole and tell Father Christmas what the children in the household have been up to. In the morning when the Elf returns to the family home he will have moved position and the children will have to find him, they can not touch the Elf though or he will lose his magic powers. 

Elf on the shelf

I loved the idea of this really cute tradition and I thought that it would help make Christmas that bit more magical. Obviously, my eldest is thirteen so is not really interested and my youngest two are only one and two years old so are still a bit young to understand. We thought that it would still be fun to introduce Elf on the shelf this year, as a nice family tradition that the children can grow up with and hopefully they will enjoy looking to see what the Elf is up to each morning.

We ordered are Elf back in the summer from Amazon for around £20 - £25 and we opted for a boy Elf (you can pick boy or girl) who has been hidden away for a few months. Today he was unveiled to our Children for the very first time as he brought them advent calenders with their names on and also The Elf on the shelf storybook (it comes with the elf) of who he is and where he is from. 

You have to adopt your Elf and give him a name so my eldest Chloe has named are Elf Buddy (yep off the film Elf, she loves it). Each day we are going to have fun with buddy seeing what he gets up to on his first year with our family and I am really looking forward to seeing my children search for him each morning. 

elf on the shelf

We have a few fun things planned with Buddy the Elf which I will be sharing daily on my Facebook and Instagram pages, so keep an eye on those if you are looking for Elf on the Shelf inspiration. 

Does your family have an Elf on the shelf? 


  1. Our elf has returned....We had it for the first time lat year. It is such fun x

    1. I love the elf on the shelf idea , my toddler loved him xx


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