I haven't sat down and written a post about the month that has gone by in what feels like ages, I enjoy writing these posts as someday I think they will be nice for us as a family to look back on. May was a brilliant month for us as a family, without a doubt the best month we have had in a long time. We had so much family time together, we went on holiday and celebrated Sophia's birthday and the other half also started a new job which is so much better for us as a family. So let's have a look at what May was like for us.
Personal Life
We started the month on holiday in sunny Majorca, it was the first time we had taken the little two abroad and we had the best time. We went to Pirates Village which is the most perfect hotel for young children and we all had a lovely week. I love Majorca and it is somewhere that I would love to visit again, I visited myself as a teenager and fell in love with the island and it was lovely watching my own children enjoy it too. It was so nice to have a week of uninterrupted family time without work, school and household chores getting in the way. It is safe to say it has reignited my love of travelling and we are already planning our next holiday.
In May Sophia turned five and she celebrated with a party with her friends, we hired the local hall and arranged for a bouncy castle and two princesses - Ariel and Belle to arrive and surprise her. She loved being the centre of attention and she had a lovely day. On her actual birthday, she was at school but we went for a family meal on the evening for pizza, which is her favourite. It is crazy to think she is now five, she has changed so much in this past year and we are super proud of her.
The other half also started a new job this month, he still works for the same company but in a totally different type of job and in a different department. He now works Monday to Friday and he will be earning a lot more money and the job is so much better for us as a family. I just hope that he enjoys it as much as his old role.
It has been so nice having extra family time lately, I think we all needed it and it is doing the children so much good. It sounds like such a cliche but it finally feels like things are slotting into place for us as a family and that things are going right for once, I just really hope that nothing ruins things like normally happens for us.
Blog Life
Obviously being on holiday and adjusting to new family routines things have been a bit quiet on here lately. But I think the break was exactly what I needed, I genuinely do love blogging but for a long time, I kind of fell out of love with it as I found out that sadly not all bloggers are nice and some I had considered as friends had been putting me down and not being very nice. When you are constantly around that kind of negativity it gets you down and makes you question things and it massively held me back blog-wise. However this is my blog, it is something I really enjoy so sod them I don't want to be around those kind of people.
I feel like I now have my blogging mojo back and once my youngest starts school in September I plan on blogging full-time which I am so looking forward to as I constantly feel like I am behind on everything these days.
So that is what May was like for us, how was your May?
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