Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring My Chaotically Eclectic Life

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am featuring Debbie who blogs at My Chaotically Eclectic Life. Debbie blogs about family life with an older child and two younger ones, just like me and she features days out in Yorkshire, reviews and crafts. So let's find out more about the family behind My Chaotically Eclectic Life.

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

Hi, I'm Debbie from My Chaotically Eclectic Life. I live with my husband Rik, our two children, Corey and Anya and their rabbits, Poppy and Nibbles. Until recently my eldest daughter lived with us but she has recently moved out to live with her boyfriend. 

2.) Where do you live?

We live in Leeds, we are about 10 minutes from the city which can be both a blessing and a curse.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live?

Yorkshire is fantastic for families who love getting out and about. There are so many fantastic places to visit within a short drive from farms and parks to museums. 

We love exploring new places when we can, but we also have our favourites such as the Rainbow Factory and Oakwell Hall. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you?

This is such a tricky question and one I regularly discuss with my OH. In the past couple of months alone I have wanted to move to New Zealand and the countryside. In fact, every time we leave Leeds I imagine myself living in the various towns, cities and villages we pass through. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up?

I literally live 15 minutes walk from my family home where my parents still live. It's changed so much since I was small but I do still have fond memories of places that no longer exist.

There were two schools very close to our house and we often used to play in the playground after the school had closed as they weren't locked up as securely as they are now. In my teenage years, a lot of friends were into skateboarding so the playgrounds were perfect for them to hone their skills. Now we have dedicated skate parks with ramps and rails which look much better.

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead?

I don't have anything too exciting planned for the rest of this year, although we have a couple of days out planned during the school holidays.

Next year we hope to fit in a holiday to Portugal but that's about as far as we have got with fixed plans. I have 1001 ideas of things that I'd love to do such as renovating the kitchen, decorating the dining room etc but we will just see how things work out.

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life?

My favourite thing about family life has to be that no two days are the same. Some days the kids behave like angels, other days they resemble Hells Angels, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

As cliched as this may sound I love our bedtime routine. I manage to find the time to chat with each of the kids separately and find out about their day before we settle down to read our bedtime stories. I especially love that Corey has begun reading a bedtime story to Anya too so he can cross it off in his book for school. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions Debbie, I love Yorkshire and I think if I had to move away from the North East that is where I would move too. I hope that you get to visit Portugal next year, my teen has just returned from a holiday there and loved it so much she wants us to return as a family soon. 

If you would like to find out more about Debbie and her family visit her blog

Or follow her on social media

Facebook MyChaoticallyEclecticLife
Twitter chaoticeclectic
Instagram mychaoticallyeclecticlife

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring Trinimamabebe if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives just send me an email at



  1. It's funny you mention wanting to move to New Zealand. Someone from work has just made the move a few months ago and couldn't be happier!

    1. I bet it is an amazing place to live and a whole new way of life

  2. I would love to live in new zealand

  3. I agree with the sentiment that no two days are the never know what life is going to serve up in a family!

  4. Like Debbie, I also think New Zealand would be a lovely place to live.
    Debbie sounds so nice. Going to go and read her blog now.

    1. I think it would too, I don't think I could leave the UK though. xx

  5. Lovely to find out a bit more about Debbie - I also love that no two days are the same as a parent. The funny things children say and do are changing constantly :)

  6. Lovely to 'meet' Debbie. It's always great to get to know the person behind the blog! :d

  7. I love Leeds. It's such a great place to shop and she's right Yorkshire is fab. My planning for next year is already jam packed lol. Great series

    1. I have only been to Leeds once, briefly. I really need to explore it properly someday x

  8. New Zealand sounds a lot better than miserable Norfolk right now! I would love to go.

  9. Lovely interview. Although I've never wanted to live in NZ, we really want to travel there, so I can totally understand where you are coming from.

    1. I don't think I could move abroad, I too would love to travel there someday though x

  10. Another vote for living in New Zealand. It is such a beautiful country.

    1. I have never been, I would love to visit someday though x

  11. I bet New Zealand is beautiful! I keep seeing people who live in Leeds too - feels like a sign as I'm considering moving away!

    1. I keep hearing how lovely Leeds is, I have only visited briefly but I adore Yorkshire x

  12. Wow a move to New Zealand, that would be amazing!

  13. Those are great questions! I love getting to know other bloggers, especially from other parts of the world:)

  14. Lovely interview. I like reading posts like this. Never been to New Zealand but would love to visit some day.

    1. I would love to visit someday too as i keep hearing how great it is x

  15. It's nice to know another blogger from you. I love her lines from the last question. "My favourite thing about family life has to be that no two days are the same. Some days the kids behave like angels, other days they resemble Hells Angels, but I wouldn't have it any other way." Such very heartwarming.


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