Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Kizmetcava

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am featuring Bec who blogs at Kizmetcava which is a family lifestyle blog covering a whole range of subjects such as recipes, parenting and a whole heap of positivity. So let's find out more about the family behind Kizmetcava. 

blogger Kizmetcava

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

I am Bec, I am a mum of two children. I also work part time as a teacher and my primary focus is in well-being in children. If a child at my school is struggling emotionally I will be called upon to swoop in and support them with whatever they need. I love it! It saddens me that there is more and more call for this role and less and less funding. But that is another story for another time. As for my children, my eldest is Finlay, our football mad ten-year-old. Our youngest Erin is always upside down and flinging herself about, she is 7 and she reminds me of Phoebe in Friends in so many ways.

2.) Where do you live?

I live in rural Kent, we live in a little hamlet and we love it here. We moved here from London almost ten years ago and we have not looked back. We did worry massively before we moved that we may have been moving to retirement central, it turned out that it was a bit of a happening hamlet with lots of adorable people who are up for a good laugh. What a relief that was I can tell you.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

There are lots of things that we like to do but I think our favourite in all seasons is walking the dog down to the local country pub. We walk through fields (we dampen the kid's negativity of the walk with the promise of 'stile sweets' which work a treat). We always get a warm welcome when we arrive and we have a pint or two and the obligatory bag of crisps and game of pool, before staggering back home. in winter you can spot the smoke from the roaring fire awaiting us. In spring you can watch the lambs playing, we collect conkers in Autumn and sit in the beer garden in summer. Sometimes the simple things are the best, aren't they?

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you?

This is an interesting question. I would say here, but I do also have a hankering for New Zealand. I have visited before and we loved it but it is so very far away. We are really happy here so I think, why move? I also really like Portugal.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

I grew up in Halifax, West Yorkshire. I honestly think I left a piece of my heart there when I left. I would move back in a shot but my husband needs to be closer to London for his work. Each time I go I am amazed at how nostalgia grabs me and completely takes over. I have fond memories on going to a place called Blake Dene, it was a little stream that you could paddle in and picnic beside and we always seemed to have it all to ourselves. I loved it so much there that once I learnt to drive, my friends and I used to go there for the day. We once left a letter to our selves hidden in a wall there, but annoyingly have not been able to find it ever since. I often wonder what it said.

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead?

We are changing the house a little to make a bigger office and we are going off in our VW camper van on impromptu weekends. My husband is finalising a few feature film scripts that he wants to direct, it is such a lengthy process this film making malarkey but if anyone can get there, he will. It may not be this year though, but at least he will have the space to work on it now.

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

I think being a unit. There is something about it being just the four of us against the world. We are a good team and we have fun (most of the time). I also like working together with my husband on a joint 'project' of raising the children. We are often sharing observations we have made of the kids and hit things head on when we notice one of them isn't happy or are not quite themselves, It is a tough job, but I love it and feel sad that it is flying by so very quickly.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions Bec, it sounds idyllic where you live and I love that you have a campervan to explore in. If you would like to find out more about Bec and her family visit her blog

Or follow her on social media 

Facebook Becrooni
Twitter kizmetcava1
Pinterest kizmetcava

Don't forget to check out last week's post featuring Confession Of A Working Mum if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives please just send me an email at



  1. I love posts like this where you get to find out stuff you wouldn't normally know about bloggers!

  2. We would love to live in New Zealand too, given the chance ;) It's always interesting to find out about other bloggers lives :)

    1. I would love to visit New Zealand I don't think I could move there though x

  3. Fab interview! I love that you have a camper van, I live in hope that one day we will get a VW camper van and do road trips across Europe. One day...

    1. I hope you manage it as that would be an amazing adventure x

  4. So lovely to get to know Bec better I love that she has a camper van which she and her family go off on adventures in!

  5. I live in Leeds (so close to your old home) but am originally from East Anglia and I feel the same as you - it will always hold a piece of my heart. But what an idyllic place it sounds like you live in now too.

  6. I really love the sound of the country walk followed by a drink in the pub!! x

  7. Great post! I think everyone should have a camper van to head off anywhere any time. Also love the sound of your local!

  8. I love the idea of walking down to the pub and enjoying a pint of lager and a packet of crisps at the end of it. I love her take on family life too

  9. Oh how lovely to live in a little hamlet. I love the sound of your walk and pub stop. I wish I could do this from my home

  10. I would love to live in New Zealand too but I think the grandparents, who moved recently to be closer to us, would resent us

    1. it must be nice being close to grandparents though x

  11. Great post. I'd give my left arm for a camper-van!!

  12. I love posts like this. When I finally get organised, I will send you an email and join in

  13. Haha I might be a little biased but I would definitely recommend living in Portugal. Then again my heritage is Portuguese so I would say that LOl!

  14. Lovely interview. I did worry initially when I moved from London to the North. It turned great in the end too.

  15. Awesome post. I'm so nosy - I love seeing or reading about how others spend their everyday :)

  16. New Zealnd sounds lovely and I hear that they are very much so family orientated.

  17. Great blog, nice to find out more about other bloggers.


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