Wednesday 15 March 2017

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Mum's The Nerd

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am featuring Karina from Mums's The Nerd which is a family lifestyle blog. 

UK Blogger Mums The Nerd

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

I'm Karina and I blog at Mum's The Nerd, I live with the Mr, our daughter Little Legs and 2 crazy springers (Obi and Loki) and our lazy cat Jasper.

2.) Where do you live?

In the not so sunny North West of England, Manchester to be exact.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live?

We love hiking with the dogs and going on adventures.

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you?

Somewhere hot and less wet, it rains a lot in Manchester.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

I grew up in Manchester and went to university in Manchester, I've never lived anywhere else. It is my hometown and I love it. Some of my favourite memories from growing up are family picnics at Heaton Park, it was my favourite event of the year - other then Christmas of course. 

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead?

We purchased our very first home last year, it was all very exciting. This year we are very much looking forward to putting a stamp on our home and turning the garden into a useable space as it is a bit of a muddy swamp at the moment. We are also looking forward to taking a family holiday to Florida this year, we're in need of a break after the stress of home buying.

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life?

As corny as it sounds my favourite thing about family life is getting to spend time with my favourite people. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend my time. 

Thank you for answering these questions Karina, I know exactly what you mean about the stress of moving as we moved just before Christmas too and I can't wait to have the house how we want. I hope that you have an amazing time in Florida. 

To find out more about Karina and her family visit her blog

Or follow her on social media

Facebook MumstheNerdBlog
Twitter Mums_The_Nerd
Instagram mums_the_nerd

Don't forget to check out last week's post featuring Mummascribbles if you missed it.



  1. Ahh I'm in the north west too! Near Chorley. It's lovely and sunny here today at least!!

    1. I wish it was sunny here in the North East, it seems to be grey and rainy non-stop xx

  2. I agree with you about moving somewhere hot and sunny. It's FAR too rainy in Leeds!!

  3. I'm a Manchester girl too! Great post - always nice to read about other bloggers xx

    1. There seems to be so many bloggers near Manchester, I always love when I find local bloggers to me xx

  4. I love going out in Manchester, so many nice places to eat and we love Affleck's Palace with all it's shops/stalls!

    1. I have only ever been to Manchester once but it was for a event so I did not get the chance to explore xx

  5. I'd love to go to Florida hope u have an amazing time. Sounds much deserved moving home can be so stressful.

    1. I went as a child and loved I really hope I get to revisit with my own children someday xx

  6. Yay well done on purchasing your first home. Putting your own spin on it is the best part I think xx

    1. I totally agree, we moved before Christmas too and I love seeing it take shape xx

  7. There's nothing quite like moving into your own home - so exciting! Best of luck with getting the garden sorted! x

    1. I totally agree, we moved before Christmas to what I think will be our forever home xx

  8. I love this! I would love to take part one day :)

  9. I really like Newcastle from what I have seen but only been once, great shopping as I recall! House moving is super stressful, we have put off moving again for a couple more years because of this! Florida sounds like it will lovely though, enjoy.

    1. Yes it really is great for shopping. We moved recently and it was stressful but so worth it xx

  10. Lovely post. It is always good to read about other bloggers. I love everything about family life and spending time with the people I love too :)

  11. Home buying is so stressful. We're off to Florida on holiday this year in 5 weeks :)

  12. Another great post. I Love Manchester! we have had some fun weekends away there- staying with a friend in Hale Barnes-really want to take the girls in the spring! Our garden was a swamp too-can highly recommend astro terf!

    1. Thank you, I really will have to pay Manchester a proper visit sometime. My dad has astro terf and it looks lush xx

  13. What a lovely interview from Katrina. It's lovely to read she is such a fan of Manchester as that is where my son is now. Love her blog name too

    1. I am glad you enjoyed reading Zena. I hope your son is enjoying uni xx

  14. Hope you have an amazing time in Florida, what a treat!!


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