Saturday, 4 July 2015

A Slimming World Update

I have not done a Slimming World post for a few weeks as I missed two weeks. The first I had put a holiday in for as I was off to London for the weekend to attend Britmums Live and then the week after I ended up being a chicken and avoided class as I had a bad week and thought that I would have gained weight. This really is not the best thing to do as I have no idea if I had lost or gained weight, I wish I had of just went to class got weighed and faced the scales. 

So this week I did exactly that I faced the scales and was expecting a huge gain as I know I had not stuck to the plan on the week i had taken off  and I was just crossing my fingers that the gain would not be too bad. So imagine my utter amazement when I stepped on the scales and found that I had actually lost 3 lb and had not gained any weight, I was overjoyed.

healthy meal, nando chicken, salad, rice, corn cob

Having such a good loss after having a week off and not sticking to the plan by having a week of takeaway's and wine had not ruined my diet at all. I really think that I have cracked my old overeating demons now as I no longer snack on crisps and biscuits. I can happily avoid the biscuits and crisps and I no longer crave bread and chocolate, not even at that time of the month which is a shock. 

Having a loss this week has motivated me to get back on track and focus 100 % on the plan as I know that the plan does work and I don't ever want to go back to my old eating habits. I want to lose this weight once and for all and fit into my pre-baby clothes again, as I have some gorgeous dresses packed away that I would love to wear again someday. 

This week I have planned all my meals in advance and will be trying out lots of new recipes as I was getting bored of eating the same meals over and over again. I have also stocked up on lots of fruit as the whole family is eating tons of fruit lately too which is a great as I want them to eat as healthy as possible. My ten-month-old has a plate full of cucumber and melon, apple or strawberries every day for lunch as they are his favourite foods. 

I am really hoping for another good loss this week and I am hoping that by trying new meals and keeping track of my syns I will have a 3 lb loss which would get me my one and a half stone award. I am not getting my hopes up though as I have eaten two magnums so far this week without realising they had a whopping 12 syns in each! I have found a recipe for syn free strawberry ice cream in one of my recipe books so I will be giving that a try over the weekend to see what that is like. 

I have found that this lovely weather has also made me want to eat healthier too and fruit and salads are a lot more appealing at the moment, as I really hate cooking in this heat. So fingers crossed those two cheeky Magnums have not done too much damage and I get another loss this week. 



  1. That's great! Well done you. Look forward to seeing how you get on xx

  2. That chicken looks gorgeous! I'm the same with the hot weather making me want to eat healthier xx

    1. It is nados rub it is about 70p in asda and it tastes so good on chicken xx

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Beth, i was expecting a gain so i am over the moon to have lost and i am now back on track . How are you getting on ? xx

  4. Well done on the loss! I was terrified about stepping on the scales after the britmums weekend! You really are doing so well x

  5. Well done so far!

    I'm rejoining tomorrow night so will be stalking your blog for motivation!

    Cat x


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