Monday, 20 April 2015

The DreamSnatcher By Abi Elphinstone : Book Review

A while ago my oldest daughter was sent a copy of The Dreamsnatcher a debut novel by Abi Elphinstone. Being a typical twelve year old she never got around to finishing the book as she is always out with her friends, so yesterday afternoon I started to read it myself and I was hooked and read the whole book in one afternoon.

The dreamsnatcher paperback book

The Dreamsnatcher is about Moll a twelve-year-old Romany gypsy girl who lives in a gypsy camp in the forest. Moll has recurring nightmares about a witch doctor with a drum and rattle who is after her, the nightmare drags her from her sleep and into the woods in her sleep each night. 

But one night Moll discovers that her nightmare is real as she stumbles into the deepwood to rescue her stolen horse from a rival gypsy gang, where she hears the rattle and drum for real. Moll discovers that dark magic is taking place in the deepwood by the dreamsnatcher and that he is after her life. 

The story sees Moll embark on an adventure with her trusted wildcat protector Gryff by her side where she will find out about her past and try to stop the dreamsnatcher and the dark magic before it gets so strong that it takes her life. 

This book was just so amazingly written as it draws you in right from the start and you just have to keep reading to find out what happens and if Moll can stop the dreamsnatcher before he gets to her. It was fast paced and action packed and left me on the edge of my seat with each turn of the page.

This book is aimed at older children but I found it quite scary and spooky in places, although it reminded me very much of the Harry Potter books as the voices Moll hears and the dreamsnatcher is similar to Voldemort. I loved Moll's adventure and I did not want it to end and I was rather disappointed when it did as it left things on a rather big cliffhanger.

I can not wait until the next book in the series is released, even though this is a children's book as an adult I really enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to others as I can guarantee that you won't want to put it down either.

Update the second and third book in this trilogy are available to buy now on Amazon. 

* Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book free for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions of this book are my own. 



  1. I've had to help out on some of my son's book reviews and I know what you mean, kids books can be as gripping as adult books #readwithme

    1. They really can be so gripping i could not put this one down it was so good xx

  2. My daughter and I really enjoyed this book :) thanks for sharing with #readwithme

    1. It was really good , i can not wait for the next one xx

  3. I quite often read the boys books! Lovely review :) Stevie xx

    1. Thanks Stevie, i think i am going to read more of her books now as this one was so good haha x

  4. Sounds like a great book =)

  5. I love reading YA books, love this cover! #readwithme


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