Monday, 20 April 2015

Slimming World Diet Coke Chicken Recipe

Since joining Slimming World i have been trying out lots of new foods and recipes and one of the recipes i kept hearing was diet coke chicken. When i first heard of this i thought it sounded awful but people said it was nice so i gave it a try and i actually liked it and my twelve year old loves it. So here is the recipe. 

You will need

  • A bag of chicken or 2-4 chicken breasts.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 large or 2 small onions.
  • Red and green pepper.
  • 1 can of diet coke.
  • 8 tbsp passata.
  • 1 tbsp dark soy sauce.
  • 4 tbsp tomato puree.
  • 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce.
  • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs.
  • 200 ml chicken stock.
  • Fry light cooking spray

To Make

Chop the chicken into chunks and also the peppers, finely dice the onions and garlic cloves. Then spray a pan with frylight on a high heat. Add the chicken , peppers and onions to the pan until they are golden brown. Once they are cooked add the full can of diet cola, the passata, tomato puree, garlic, chicken stock, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and mixed herbs and stir it all together well. Bring it to the boil and then simmer on a medium heat to thicken the sauce up. Once it is all cooked and the sauce has thickened it is ready to serve. 

To serve

I had mine with boiled rice and a few sweet potato slimming world style chips. But you could have it with anything you like such as chips, wedges, baked potatoes, rice or noodles. It is a really easy to make simple dish and it is all free on the extra easy eating plan so you can eat as much of it as you like. 

To find out more about Slimming World or find your nearest group visit there website . 

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  1. I have heard great things about Diet Coke chicken, I'll have to give this a go! x

    1. I heard everyone rave about it too but i was so unsure but everyone is right it is yummy. I think i am going to try it with fanta next time xx

  2. Ooh i have also heard loads about this recipe I need to try it, it looks amazing and all the slimming world recipes I have tried have been fab x

    1. I am the same every recipe i have tried i have found to be delicious, it really is not diet food at all xx


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