Thursday 16 April 2015

A Teddy Bear Picnic Is Better With Cake.

Here in Newcastle, it is still the Easter half term and being a mum to three children of very different age ranges means that finding activities that are suitable for all three children is near enough impossible. I have a twelve-year-old who would rather be out with her friends, a toddler who just wants to run wild all day long and a baby who just wants cuddles. And juggling all three on a day out on my own when their dad is at work is just to much hard work at times. So I have been staying in a lot more then normal and have heard lots of cries of  'i'm bored' and contending with a toddler trashing the house due to boredom. 

Mr Kipling cakes

I have been thinking of activities that I can do with all three of them together that won't cause arguments, and they will all enjoy and one thing I know my older two children cannot resist is cake! In fact, I do not know anyone who can resist cake, my girls love it and would eat it all day if they could. But I cannot bake at all as I am a bit of a disaster in the kitchen. So thank goodness for the yummy delights that Mr Kipling creates, they look and taste far better than any cakes that I could create. 

cherry bakewells, french fancies

This week the sun was shining for once in the north east and I thought it would be a great idea to get all three children outside in the sunshine and have a Teddy bears picnic. My twelve-year-old was not keen on this idea at all, but when she found out there was cakes involved she was there in a flash. 

We had an afternoon enjoying the warm weather in the garden with a group of teddy bears and a little mini picnic, complete with lots of tasty Mr Kipling treats. We had Cherry Bakewells, French Fancies and Viennese Whirls, iconic sweet treats that I remember fondly from my own childhood. It was so lovely watching all three of my children spending time together being happy and having fun in the sun. They ate, they played and laughed. Although baby Jacob is too young to eat cakes he had fun playing on his mat. 

Jacob in the garden on his playmat in the sunshine

The girls loved the cakes, French Fancies seemed to be their favourite while I love Cherry Bakewells and their dad loves Viennese Whirls. There really is a cake for everyone in the Mr Kipling range, and it is not hard to see why they are referred to as being exceedingly good cakes, they really are the best cakes around. 

I think it safe to say that life most certainly is much better with cake as it's a delicious snack that everyone can enjoy no matter how big or small and it has brought my family together for a fun-filled day which is a rarity these days. Thank you, Mr Kipling, keep up the good work because all us mums who can not bake love you dearly, as do our children. 

* Disclosure: This post is an entry for  #betterwithcake Linky challenge 


  1. Mums all deserve medals as well as cake if you ask me. Lovely pictures. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.


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