Tuesday 13 May 2014

Week's 23 & 24 Pregnancy Update

I am now 25 week's pregnant, I really can not believe how fast this pregnancy is going by! So here is a quick update on what week's 23 and 24 of my pregnancy were like.

I have had my fortnightly midwife appointment and everything is fine my blood pressure is still normal thanks to my blood pressure medication and we got to hear baby's heartbeat, which I love. Baby is getting so much more active now I get really big kicks and I can see my belly move I even feel when baby has hiccups. Baby is defiantly getting into a pattern of kicking, normally not long after I have eaten I will get kicked for a while I think it must like being fed!

We still have not picked a baby name though we have a boy name but no girl name at all. We haven't started baby shopping yet either but I have made a list of what we need which is a start I suppose. I can't wait to start baby shopping and buy lots of cute baby things it is one of the best parts of pregnancy. I am really starting to enjoy being pregnant lately after having two horrible previous pregnancy's this one has been so lovely and straightforward and enjoyable.

How I am feeling

I am feeling pretty great I am loving every minute of this pregnancy. I have had the odd bout of morning sickness, but fingers crossed it seems to be passing. 

I am still suffering from sciatica pain but thankfully it is nowhere near as bad as it was in my last pregnancy and I haven't had any more pelvic pain so hopefully won't develop spd again this time either. I have been feeling a little bit dizzy now and then but I think that is probably just down to my blood pressure medication. I am still getting the odd cramp in my leg's and foot but walking a lot and keeping my feet up when resting are helping as I have not been getting them as much as I was.  I think I have been quite lucky so far in this pregnancy as I have sailed through it with no problems at all I really hope I don't regret saying that.

You can read my previous update here

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