Saturday, 29 March 2014

15 Week's Pregnant

I am finally starting to get the smallest hint of a bump at last although it seems really high, I can't wait to get a proper bump and actually look pregnant and not just fatter! I had a huge bump by now in my last pregnancy, I was wearing maternity clothes by 12 weeks but I am still in my normal clothes at the moment in this pregnancy. Although I am starting to get a small bump I do currently just look like I have put on weight rather than looking pregnant. It probably doesn't help that I am still eating kebabs and lots of stodgy food's like crumpets, bread and potatoes. I seem to be hungry all the time at the moment.

I am starting to feel a bit more human again now and not so tired anymore so we had a nice family day out on Sunday. We went out for Sunday lunch and to Mothercare to look at baby things, in particular, double buggy's as we are going to need one as our youngest daughter is only going to be 15 months when baby arrives - we just can't seem to find one we like. 

 When we went shopping I couldn't resist buying the baby a cute little baby grow from next saying born in 2014, Sophia my youngest daughter has the same one saying born in 2013.

How I am feeling this week

I am finally starting to feel less tired and I am actually staying awake until about 9 pm lately, which is an improvement from the 7 pm bedtime I have been having for the last few weeks. 

You can read last week's pregnancy update 14 week's pregnant

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