Saturday 29 March 2014

14 Week's Pregnant

I know I will sound a bit mad saying this but I am still finding it hard to actually believe that I am pregnant, which is crazy as I have seen the baby on the scan with my own eyes. I still don't have a bump or any pregnancy symptoms, which is probably why I am feeling like this. Although I am sure I have been feeling the odd little fluttering in my tummy. I know it is still very early to be feeling movements, but I felt movements from 16 weeks with my girls and they say you feel them earlier in subsequent pregnancies.

I went to the midwife this week to get my bp and urine checked and everything is OK, I have to go weekly to get them checked because I am at risk of pre-eclampsia, so they just want to keep an eye on things. That's all I have been up to this week, its still early days so not a lot to report pregnancy wise.  We haven't started baby shopping or anything yet which I must start getting around to, luckily we don't need to buy very much as we have most of the baby equipment we will need as we already have a nine month old baby. 

How I am feeling this week

As I just mentioned I still do not have a bump. I just look like I have gained a bit of weight and been eating to many pies, which I actually was doing last week - I have gone off them this week. This week I seem to be craving cans of full-fat coke which I am trying to limit to just one every few days due to the high sugar and caffeine content. I am also still liking kebab and garlic sauce - hoping this does not last long as I am not a kebab fan normally. 


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