Friday 28 March 2014

13 Week's Pregnant

I had my scan when I was exactly 13 weeks pregnant giving me the due date of 26th of August 2014.  There is only going to be 15 months and one day between my youngest two if baby arrives on time which  I am not counting on as my girls were both overdue. When I went for the scan I felt so nervous, I was half expecting there to be no baby there due to my lack of symptoms. I even said to the sonographer I don't think I'm pregnant because I don't feel at all pregnant, she must have thought I was crazy! But as soon as she put the probe on my belly up popped baby on the screen in front of me and there was defiantly a baby there all right, I heard its heartbeat and it was wriggling around non stop. The baby looked so big even though it is only 9.8 cm big, I couldn't believe the difference in size and how clear a 13-week scan is compared to a 12 week one.

 After the scan I had an appointment with the consultant as I am under consultant led care due to being high risk, I have the same consultant I had last time. I have been prescribed labetalol tablets to take twice a day for my blood pressure as it was slightly high and also low dose aspirin to take daily - as I am at risk of pre-eclampsia due having it in my first pregnancy. I don't really want to take medication when I am pregnant but I have been assured these tablets are perfectly safe in pregnancy. I have also been booked in for lots of extra scans in my final trimester to check baby's growth and the placenta due to me being on medication.

How I am feeling this week

I still feel totally normal and still no sickness, I can not bear the smell of cheese and onion crisps though and they are banned from the house much to the other half's disappointment as he is a bit of crisp monster at times. This week I have been craving savoury mince pies from Gregg's bakery and I even ate a kebab with garlic sauce, anyone who knows me will be shocked at as I never ever eat kebab. I think it looks disgusting, baby obviously has its daddy's taste buds.

why not read my first blog post Why Write a blog?


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