Monday, 17 March 2014

Why Write A Blog?

Hello I am Lindsay, just a average mam from Newcastle. I have two daughters and I am currently pregnant with baby number three. I am currently on maternity leave from my job as a learning disability support worker - a very challenging but rewarding job. I will be honest and say that I am a little bored being home all day on maternity leave so thought I would give blogging a go. 

By chance I came across blogging, someone I know has a family blog and I always thought it was a nice idea to have a record of places you have been, I have even visited a couple of places recommended on the blog. Then by chance one day on twitter I came across lots of other family-related blogs and I started to think maybe it was something I would like to do one day.


As a family we are always eating out and going on days out, I thought a blog would be a lovely way to record and remember things we have done in years to come. Also with being pregnant again, it will be a lovely way to record my pregnancy, as I have no records of my previous pregnancies. When looking at blogs there does not seem to be that many Newcastle based family blogs about, so in a nutshell, this blog will be a record of my pregnancy, places we have visited, places we have eaten and my normal everyday family life in Newcastle.

We are just a normal working class northern family, we don't go to fancy restaurants or on amazing holidays; so I don't think many people will read my blog. I am not doing this for free stuff or to earn money, although that would be fabulous I realise it is unlikely to happen. I am doing this blog to keep me sane and to give me a break from watching Doc Mcstuffin five times in a row, to use my brain and to give honest reviews of places we have been in the Newcastle area. Thank you so much for reading I hope you come back to read my blog again soon.


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