Thursday, 12 January 2023

Should I Buy Pet Insurance? 5 Things You Need To Know

 Guest Post

As pet owners, we understand that pets are family members. They provide us with love and companionship, and we want to do everything we can to give them the best possible care. That's why it makes sense to take care of our pets as well. After all, they're part of our family too. However, taking good care of your pet doesn't always come cheap. That's why many pet lovers get pet insurance to cover expenses for unexpected medical attention or emergency veterinary services.

Is Pet Insurance Worth Buying?

Simply put, yes! It's a smart investment that can help you cover the costs associated with your pet's health care, including routine preventative and emergency care like vaccinations, exams, surgery and hospitalisation. However, when a more expensive event like major surgery comes up, it can quickly get  very expensive. With pet insurance, you can save time and money by covering the costs associated with these types of unfortunate events. Pet insurance is especially important for dogs, who are at a higher risk of suffering from orthopaedic injuries  such as arthritis and hip dysplasia. In some cases, you might even be able to claim a tax deduction when you buy pet insurance. 

What Does Pet Insurance Cover? 

There are a few different types of pet insurance you can buy. Depending on the policy you decide on you may be able to cover a variety of health care costs for your pet, from routine check ups and vaccinations to emergency procedures and major surgeries. Some policies may also offer coverage for pet injuries and illnesses, which can come in handy when your furry friend gets sick or injured. 

Some of the more common types of coverage found in pet insurance policies include:
  • Preventative care for vaccinations, check-ups and sick visits. This type of coverage is important for pets who have allergies or are susceptible to a type of pet related disease. 
  • Emergency care: Your pet will have access to prompt, high-quality care if he or she gets injured or needs to be treated for a sudden illness. Some policies may cover non-emergency surgeries, while others may cover emergency care only.
  • Pet injuries and surgeries: This type of cover may vary based on your policy. Some policies may cover pet surgeries such as spaying/neutering, while others may cover major surgeries like hip dysplasia or orthopaedic injuries like arthritis. 

Can You Get Insured For Just Basic Health Care? 

Yes. Most pet insurance policies include a basic pet health care plan. This can include basic vaccinations, check-ups and sick visit coverage. You can also choose from several additional add-on plans to personalise your pets coverage. For example, some pet insurance providers will allow you to purchase additional coverage for dental care, wellness check-ups or pet hospitals. 

Should You Buy Monthly Or Annual Coverage? 

Most pet owners choose to buy monthly coverage for their pets. This gives you more flexibility and you can also save some money on your monthly premiums. However, most insurance companies offer better discounts for purchasing annual coverage. So, if you're planning on buying coverage for the long term, you might want to consider the annual option. 

What's The Difference Between Veterinary And Emergency Coverage? 

The Difference between these two types of insurance coverage is pretty straightforward: veterinary plans cover routine veterinary care, whereas emergency plans cover a variety of financial and medical emergencies like injury or illness. Some insurance companies will also allow you to customise your coverage based on your needs or a maximum out out pocket limit. Some policies even let you choose from a variety of different add-ons. 

Should I Buy A Limit Or Excess Coverage On My Policy? 

Most pet owners choose limited coverage, which pays a set amount for a list of covered events. Although, when it comes to pet insurance, there are two main factors to consider before selecting a limit or excess amount: your pets health and the expected claim. 

If your pet is young and healthy, you may be able to get away with a lower limit. However, if your pet is a senior with health conditions, you  should consider getting excess coverage on your policy. You might want to look into which has no pet age limit and covers pre-existing conditions. 

It's worth noting that pet insurance companies may not cover a certain percentage of your claim if your pets injury is not severe enough to be covered by a standard plan. 

Bottom Line

Life can be unpredictable at times. You can't control everything that happens to your pet, including what he eats, how he is treated by other animals and humans, and what he comes into contact with outside your home. Because of this. it's important to get your pet insured. It is also a good idea to have a good understanding of what your pet insurance covers, what the cost will be, and how to maximise your benefits while keeping costs as low as possible. 


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