Tuesday, 9 October 2018

National Citizen Service For 16-17 Year Old's This Autumn

My eldest daughter is turning sixteen in two weeks time, she is in her final year of secondary school (year 11) and will be taking her GCSE exams in the summer. After school she is still not entirely sure what she wants to do, she wants to head off to college to continue her education but every week she changes her mind on which subject she wants to take. One minute she wants to do A Levels in Art and History, the next she wants to do a digital marketing course and last week she wanted to be a physiotherapist. She honestly has no idea what she wants to do and I often worry she feels a bit overwhelmed and lost by it all. 

This is where National Citizen Service comes in, you may remember I wrote about NCS back in the spring, if you missed it you can read it here. NCS is a government back programme for 16-17 years olds to take part in that helps prepare teens for life after school, with team building exercises, a residential trip that will help teach life skills and a community action based project to help the teens of today become better citizens.

NCS outdoor activity

To date, almost 500,000 young people have taken part and twelve million hours of community action have been completed by teens taking part in NCS. 

I was pleased to hear that NCS is hosting an autumn program this half-term, meaning teens aged 16-17 years of age can experience a week of fun, making new friends, building their confidence and having a positive impact on their local community. As the program is only running for one week this autumn instead of the three to four weeks it runs during the summer, things are slightly different and it is also much cheaper, costing just £25 - which is what it would cost for my teen to visit the cinema and have lunch. When you compare it to something like that then you realise just what great value it is. 

NCS highropes course

The £25 price covers the cost of food, activities and accommodation during the four days residential trip taking part in team-building outward bound activities. They also learn skills for their future and get to celebrate with an end of programe celebration event.

By taking part in the NCS program not only will your teen have a great time meeting new people, having fun and learning to be independent they will also get involved in exciting activities, develop leadership skills, it is a great boost for CVs and UCAS applications, they get to give back to their local community. 

NCS celebration night

If we didn't already have plans for this half-term I would have already booked my daughter up by now. 

There are still places available this autumn for year 11s who would like to experience living away from home, develop skills to boost their CV, and meet amazing people they'll never forget. To find out more and sign up to the autumn programme, go to www.ncsyes.co.uk

You can take advantage of the £25 offer by using discount code AUTUMN25 at the checkout before the 22 October 2018.

Collaborative post with NCS. 


  1. This sounds fab - I'll definitely be signing my three up when the time comes. What a fantastic experience to pop on your CV or UCAS application x

  2. My son did this over the summer but I think they need to cater better for kids with special needs. He really struggled

    1. That is a shame, hopefully they will listen to feedback and help support those with special needs more in the future x

  3. Sounds like a very good program especially for teens who are a bit unsure of what to do next in their lives. I think I'd want T to take part in this too, well when she's old enough :) x - Dean of Little Steps

    1. It really does, my teen has no idea so this will be great for her x

  4. It sounds a very good scheme and a way to boost your child's confidence.

  5. This looks and sounds like so much fun for young people and a great thing to be a part of. Great on the CV later on too! Wish they had this when I was younger!

    1. It really will look great on CVs and college applications x

  6. What a fab idea and all for £25 which is a bargin price. Also, good for a young person to gain experience and confidence xx

  7. This is a great programme. It’s really daunting for them at this age - not just the stress of the exams, but thinking that their choices beyond them will shape their whole future (it doesn’t have to be of course, but there’s no telling them!)

  8. That’s an amazing price! Such a good experience for them to have

  9. I think this programme sounds great - it’s definitely something I’ll be keeping in mind for when my daughter is older.

    1. It really does, sounds like fun and great for confidence too x

  10. I think that's such a good program, especially for those struggling to decide what they want to study in college. Hopefully it will help more teenagers find their calling or career path.

    1. I am hoping it will help my daughter decide what she wants to do x

  11. Having a 16 year old who has just gone through year 11, I can definitely sympathise with the overwhelming feeling about not knowing what to do. My teen did NCS as soon as he finished school, and it was a very much needed break after all the hard work that the final year brings x

    1. I am glad he enjoyed it, I am hoping my 16 year old will do it as she has her GCSE's next year and has no idea what she wants to do after them x

  12. My son did this and absolutley loved it

    1. That is good to hear, I am hoping my daughter does it too x

  13. This looks like it would be great for any age and such a great price too!

    1. It really does, such good value too when you think how much things like this cost when they are at school or how much a day out costs x


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